Kageyama Tobio X Hinata Shouyou 2-1+1+1= 3

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Two things Akihiko is shorter and scrawnier

Pairing: Kags X Hinata

I am aware the law would not allow Hinata to adopt but in this story it does I also know it would take longer but its fanfiction soo apologies if its too ooc for you!

Plot: They were once such a happy couple but disaster struck leaving them both heartbroken what happens when Hinata adds a small bundle of joy into his life named Aki. But what happens when Kageyama has to come back? How will two once lovers not exactly friends now raise a baby together?


"You never listen to me!" Hinata Shouyou, age 18, still a kid.

"WHY SHOULD I?!" Kageyama Tobio, age 18, also a kid.

"What were you and her doing?!" Hinata shouted with an intensity that burns.

"I told you nothing!" Kageyama Shouted back not ready to lose to his small lover.

"Having a women mouthing your neck while shes on your lap, grinding on you is not nothing Kageyama!" Hinata screamed, tears started to spout of his eyes and he found his voice shaking and his mouth drying even though it was wet with saliva.

"I'm not talking to you right now Hinata. I'll deal with you later."

"NO you will deal with me NOW." Hinata shouted trying to gain dominance over the situation. He was small, he had bad anxiety and he wasn't always confident but he wasn't going to let Kageyama walk all over him.... no, not anymore.

A fire burned in Kageyama's eyes and he towered over the small orange haired boy, his face set in a scowl and this time for the first time in a century, Hinata was terrified of Kageyama and his once so lovely scowl. "You don't own me." Kageyama hissed venom splashing into Hinata's heart, venom that Kageyama spat at him.

"I know that! I just want to talk to you!"

"And what on earth could the great Hinata Shouyou want to talk about?" Kageyama mocked sarcasm evidently in his voice.

For a while Hinata was speechless, was this the same Kageyama Tobio he fell in love with? "Tobio why was there a girl in our bed, on your lap just please... te-"

Suddenly Hinata was in the air by his collar when he found the courage to look up he was met with a cold unloving look, one hes never seen Kageyama wear once, not even when they first met. "Don't you ever use my first name you little bitch." Kageyama brought his fist back and by the time his fist met Hinata's face, Hinata realized he was drunk. He could smell the sickening bitter smell of the liquid on his lovers breath, he could see it in his eyes and he could hear it in his voice. Alcohol was the worst drug of them all, not even cocaine was as bad as Alcohol, while cocaine may be illegal, Alcohol was not.

"I think we should break up." Hinata voiced firmly while he sat on the grounds his bangs shadowing his eyes and his cheek and eye already bruising.

Kageyama snarled. "Fine I never loved you anyway."

And out he went, gone.


"Hinata? Are you listening?" Yamaguchi asked the small middleblocker and ace.

"Uhh Hai Yamaguchi!" Hinata shouted bowing to his captain. The second years and Tsukkishima snickered at the scene.

It was mid January and the boys volleyball club was just getting resituated after the winter break, and of course Christmas.

"Umm pardon my intrusion Yamaguchi-san but may I leave?" A timid first year setter with black poofy hair and golden eyes asked stepping up.

Yamaguchi immediately directed his attention to his kohai, "Ah why must you leave Akihiko?"

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