Yamaguchi Tadashi X Tsukishimas Kei Aki's Christmas

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Akihiko is Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's adopted son
Pairing: Yamaguchi X Tsukishima
Plot: It's their first Christmas with their adoptive 14 year old son Akihiko. However Tsukishima messes up and doesn't score good with their new son. Determined for Tsukishima to make up with their son on his own, Yamaguchi stays out of it.

Story begin!

"Aki! You wanna help me make the apple pie!?" Yamaguchi shouted pulling out all of the ingredients.
A black haired and blue eyed boy walked down the stairs, "Yeah sure!"
Akihiko had only lived with the two volleyball players for two months but he was already feeling welcomed, the only thing was Tsukishima wasn't very cheerful.
"Okay! So we need to skin and cut the apples," Yamaguchi mumbled reading the pie crust. "I've never actually made Apple Pie before so this will be a new experience for me. What about you?"
Akihiko shook his head. "I've never either," he mumbled.
Yamaguchi smiled at the boy. "Well if you'd like, we can make an apple pie every year," Yamaguchi suggested. "That's of course if you like it; if you don't we can always make something else for tradition."
"That sounds nice."
Yamaguchi didn't answer he simply smiled at his son. 
"Hey Babe! Have you seen my keys?" Tsukishima shouted from upstairs.
"Umm," Yamaguchi hummed thinking. "No Hun, I don't think so? Where'd you leave them last?"
"We're going to make apple pie!" Akihiko exclaimed.
"That's nice kid." Tsukishima muttered grabbing a cup.
Akihiko fidgeted nervously. "Yamaguchi said that we could make apple pie every year for Christmas..."
Yamaguchi smiled at the nervous 14 year old, glad that he was excited for the new tradition.
"Well isn't that just grand Kid?" Tsukishima snapped.
Akihiko flinched, he came from an abusive father and was still recovering.
"Tsukki! Knock that off." Yamaguchi warned.
Tsukishima rolled his eyes moodily. "What does it matter? It's just stupid pie."
Akihiko's bottom lip trembled and he felt his eyes start to tear up as well.
Before anyone could say anything he ran upstairs to his room and slammed the door shut. Akihiko threw himself onto the bed tears rushing from his eyes.
Why didn't anybody want him?
His dad didn't want him, his mom didn't want him, and now Tsukishima didn't want him.
A knock hesitatingly sounded on his door. "Go away," Akihiko mumbled a choked sob escaping as well.
"Come on Kid," He heard Tsukishima say.
Akihiko moves his face away from the bed so he was resting on his cheek. "Go away Tsukishima."
Akihiko huffed when Tsukishima just opened his door and stepped in shutting it again keeping close to the door. "What do you want?"
"To see if you're okay."
Akihiko glared at the man not usually so mad. "I'm fine; you can leave."
"And if I don't want to?" Tsukishima asked.
Akihiko could feel the rage burning in him, Why was he here? Akihiko huffed and spoke, "then leave anyway."
Tsukishima sensing he wasn't getting anywhere huffed and stepped away from the door, advancing toward the teenager. "Listen-."
"No Tsukishima! I'm done listening! I'm done not being wanted! If I'm not wanted fine, but don't act like you want me here when you clearly don't," Akihiko spat at his legal guardian.
"We do want you." Tsukishima insisted seating himself next to the boy.
"No you don't," Akihiko mumbled.
"Yes we do," Tsukishima offered a small smile. "What makes you think we don't?"
Akihiko blushed and stuttered out, "My Dad, my biological Dad."
Tsukishima sighed. "Kid-,"
"He never wanted me," Akihiko interrupted, starting to choke up, his father was a sore subject. "How come he didn't want me?"
"Akihiko, your father was never a bad man. He was a very very good man, who made very bad decisions. And you, are a very good kid who just had bad things happen to him. We want you, we want to be your parents, your guardians," Tsukishima said throwing an arm around Akihiko.
The boy smiled at the tall blonde man. "We want you Akihiko; just the way you are."
Akihiko nodded sniffling. Tsukishima smiled at his son and finally wrapped both arms around him in a hug, for comfort. Tsukishima listened to the boy's sobs but knew that it had to happen.
Yamaguchi watched from the crack in the door. His fiancé and his new son hugging it out brought a warmth to his heart.
He knew that Tsukishima was actually a big teddy bear he just had trouble adjusting to new, especially if it was something new that took Yamaguchi's attention.
But Yamaguchi felt that maybe Tsukishima could get use to this new kind of different.
He knows his bestfriend since when they were both young would make a wonderful father.
And they would finally have a wonderful life.

Done! Thank you all so much for being understanding and such!!!
Hope y'all had a very happy Christmas!
Don't forget to stay tuned have a nice day and
I do not own haikyuu or any of its characters no copyright infringement intended
Word count:850

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