The little giant X Akiteru Tsukishima A joke

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Pairing: The Little Giant X Akiteru Tsukishima
Plot: not gonna say.

Story begin:

A suit.

It's never been touched before, and it's never been taken out of my closet.

I got it for a family friend's wedding when I was 18 and I was so lost in trying to come up with reasons to not go I didn't think about the next time I'd wear it.

I never did wear it, I played sick and got out of it but the damn forsaken thing hung in my closet in it's plastic bag.

I heaved a sigh as I remembered what I'd be doing today.

I remember 4 rings at 3 am in the morning.

1st ring, annoyance.

2nd ring, irritating.

3rd ring, infuriating.

4th ring, devastating.

How would they react if I told them I could still hear the rings? That I was slowly losing my mind in this hell of a world.

I hadn't seen him since the day I graduated I had no right to say I was losing it because of him. We were ended.

But what if we weren't ended? What if he and I were married? What if we had a small little boy named Akihiko and a dog named Castiel? What if we didn't end in mishaps?

I didn't cry, what right did I have to cry? We were nothing but old, we weren't even friends in the end so what can I call us? Enemies? Acquaintances? Conflicted lovers?

No I have no right to call us that, right?
I mean I was the one who called him those names, but I also was the one who kissed his tears away when ever he cried.

I lifted my body out of my bed and started to dress into the suit. Pants, shirt, vest, tie, coat, cuffs, shoes.

I don't want to be here. I don't want to be in a suit that's so uncomfortable that I can't move.

I could still imagine him smiling with me.
I could still imagine him laughing in the seat of my car as we're parked in front of his house.

I don't want to see him here but I will have to, after all it's a punishment.

It is a punishment, why wouldn't it be? I mean it would all make sense. After years of not speaking to him this is bestowed onto me.

I feel voices hammer themselves into my brain. My god does it hurt. I think what hurts the most is the fact they're just speaking the truth.

Why did I ever go to karasuno.

Why did I ever go to that gym.

Why did I ever talk to him.

Nothing good came out of this.


Everything good came out of that, I just wish it didn't end the way it was ending.

Flowers decorate the building, his favorite kind, forget me nots they were bundled together and through the irony of all this I found a smidge of beauty.

I plucked a single forget me not and twirled it by its short stem between my pinched fingers.

Everyone was here, even Kinshima who always gave the impression on Facebook that he was busy traveling.

My highschool bestfriend was even here, Ikejiri. He stuck out like a sore thumb with his black hair and bright blue eyes standing in the corner.

He signaled me over and I walked swiftly but steadily over to him.

"How ya doing?" He asked me softly.

I just shrugged. All this was just a punishment, a joke perhaps.

The forget me not still pinched between my fingers started to ooze water onto my fingers, I realized I was pinching it too hard.

I just sighed after awhile and walked off, Ikejiri hot on my tail. I unknowingly marched us to a table in the far back as we waited for this to start.

I spun the flower a few more times before deciding I should stop but I didn't drop the flower I simply just placed it gently in my pocket.

It finally began we crowded around in seats and watched. I felt sick the entire time. People gave speeches and I sat and watched. Tears streamed down faces and I felt lost. Guilt and regret churned my stomach.

I looked to the lap of my pants, my suit was slightly bunched.

Everyone eventually left.

They moved on to more interesting things but I just stayed.

What did I have better to do?

He left as well, moved on.

All that's left for me is, well nothing.

I have no child to raise and I have no one to leave my legacy in the name of.

A lone forget me not lays on a grave.

Rest In Peace.

"It's a lost cause! He'd never wear a suit, probably not even to his own wedding."


Okay tbh I just wrote this to see if I could make anyone cry because a lot of people say I make them cry but now I feel so bad for doing this and so sorry!!!!!


Dont forget to stay tuned have a nice day and


I do not own haikyuu or any of its characters no copy right infringement intended


word count: 875

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