Filler headcanons =^•^=

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Okay I'll get the new chapters up by this weekend I caught the flu last night and I was up all night puking so I slept all day today but yeah


How tsukkiyama was canoned:
One day in winter tsukki and Yama were walking to school and Yama slipped resulting in tsukki to laugh at him, well Yama has very sensitive feelings so he ran away crying and refused to talk to tsukki all day long. Tsukki gets fed up with not having his best friend that he buys Yama soggy French fries before practice. So he approaches Yama and then shoves french fries in Yama's mouth then when Yama is shutting his mouth he kisses him and apologizes<3

How kagehina were canoned:
It was their second year and they had another fight so a first year suggests playin "are you nervous?" To determine who's the winner except neither of them win or lose they both end up kissing and oh my god you need to see it to believe it.

Tsukkishima was and still kinda is bad about sleeping with his glasses on to the point he's broken several pairs.

Yamaguchi is like the sleeping king like he will out sleep all of you don't even try challenging him to a sleeping contest because he will sleep for weeks if he could. He's also a deep sleeper.

Kageyama has horrible insomnia but when ever he's near Hinata he sleeps like a baby.

Hinata is a sleep cuddler like he'll sleep on you if you let him.

Kageyama loves it ^

Tsukkishima is one of those people that flip a lot in their sleep and like they seem like their having fitful sleeps but really it's just him sleeping.

Suga, Yamaguchi, and Ennoshita have cute little kitten snores to the point when they sleep on the bus the team can't help but gush

Tanaka snores are loud like damn who let the bear in?

Daichi drools in his sleep, he tries to hide it though.

Narita and Yamaguchi can fall asleep anywhere like on tables and even in chairs.

Kinoshita has a bad habit of falling asleep with sunglasses on so whenever he wears sunglasses and his head doesn't move don't freak out!

Nishinoya sleep talks and is an early riser as well as a light sleeper so sleeping with him in the same room isn't always fun

Asahi makes sleep expressions when he's sleeping so like you can always tell what he's dreaming about depending on his expressions

The team goes on various camping trips and trips to the water park and zoo and honestly it's adorable

Iwa-chan tried to make Oikawa sleep on the ground when they were little it didn't even last an hour because Oikawa wouldn't quit crying so finally Iwa-chan let him up into his bed.

Yamaguchi and Hinata can't sleep without a fan on or they freak out.

Kenma sleeps in the weirdest positions like don't worry if his back seems to be breaking he's just sleeping.

Kuroo and Bokuto always have the weirdest dreams like panda bears dancing?

Akaashi is an adorable sleeper like if he's asleep by you don't even try to sleep yourself because you're screwed (Bokuto learnt that the hard way)

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