MortalTsukishima Kei X AngelYamaguchi Tadashi sinful love (lemon)

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Pairing: Human Tsukishima X Angel Yamaguchi

Plot: They were college mates. Yamaguchi was nothing more but a fallen angel trying to keep his identity a secret. He tried to not cry when his wings would be hit or bumped into. But when his roommate bumps into him he couldn't help it.



Yamaguchi's pov:

This sucks.

You would think that I could just use my heavenly powers to poof my wings away, but nope. I was completely, and utterly hopeless.

I've been stranded on this earth for 4 years now. I lived with a fellow fallen angel named Castiel.

Castiel was the mistake of us. See when god was trying to make humans, he accidentally messed up, he created Castiel. The angel that could feel and care, the one that would later be chosen to save the righteous man from hell. He was the last angel God created, so he's the youngest of heaven.

You see god only created so many angels, himself. Everyone who came after Castiel, per say me, are just drones copyrighted off of gods creation. We are  just clones, so in a way we are not true angels.

Castiel's a legend, and most of the time not the good kind. I was kicked out of my garrison, for reasons I can not remember. When I fell my wings were damaged past the point of fixing in one go. They're still healing after 4 years. My wings are pretty bad, but not as bad as Castiel's.

Yamaguchi, Tadashi.

I like the name.

My angel name was way too suspicious to be kept so I took my vessels name.

I was walking quickly to my college room. I was attending college. A warrior of the lord was attending a run-down college in Japan, how refreshing.

Once I reached my room I swung open the door to lay my eyes upon a familiar boy. Tsukishima Kei, just what I needed.

I am an angel, the most heavenly creature this world knows and yet I am terrified of a scrawny 6 feet 7 inch boy with blonde hair and glasses, how pathetic, my true form even towers over him and yet. To be fair, this kid knew things. Tsukishima knew how to pick your brain apart and reveal your dark dark secrets, he also knew how to give a good sucker punch to the lip but that was the least painful of what he was capable of.

"Great." He uttered once he acknowledged my presence.

I smiled at him, even if his attitude is constantly a cubic ton of salt down your throat. Hell, he's so salty that if you're just around him you're safe from all ghosts that are in a 20 mile radius.

I shivered when he sent me a cold glare. "Yes, hello Tsukki." I replied. I've long since given up on trying to pronounce Tsukishima correctly. It's just too much.

"Whatever." Tsukki grumbled while he stalked off into the bathroom. Our dorm is small, yet large enough to be considered a standard motel room.

I heaved a sigh as I rested on my bed. This was not the life I was meant for. I was not, AM not meant to be a skinny college kid that's afraid of his own roommate. I'm supposed to be a solider, I was climbing the ranks to being the top five. This was not the life I was meant to have, or was it?

I've followed my father's words so blindly that I couldn't even think to analyze them. Was I always meant to end up here? Am I just supposed to be the fallen angel damned to this earth, to this story?

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