Oikawa Tooru X iwaixumi Hajime life isnt a fairytale part 1.

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Pairing: Oikawa tori X iwaizumi hajime

Plot: Oikawa tooru an actor wannabe has been casted in a huge show he was supposed to be a PA for however his character love interest just so happened to be iwaizumi Hajime the very soul he's trying to leave alone.

Maybe angst idfc I just was watching supernatural and all of a sudden bam!

Note if I accidentally spell fairytale like fairytail please excuse me I used to (kinda still do) write nalu fanfics which is a couple in the anime fairytail and yeah it's just habit now!

Story begin!:

Life wasn't a fairytale. Well I mean obviously, it was life and no matter how many times you pray to whatever god is out there you will be left alone and scared.

I don't like thinking like this no I don't. It's just I have such a shameful mind and honestly it's hard to keep faith in something that can just be lies, not saying I don't believe in god.

I believe in him alright, I believe he is there watching over us and secretly giving us small gifts like warm sunny days after months of rain and cool breezes to cool us during a hot day even if it's just for a second.

I totally without a doubt believe in that it's just about the other stuff I'm confused about what happens when you do die? Do you actually go to you know, heaven or what?

It's just, I've trusted been betrayed, trusted been betrayed again and then I gave up. I tore myself away from humanity. I threw off all the grips of loved ones and went straight into solitude. Since then I never let anyone get to me, and no one tried to get to me. I was casted out into an open ocean on a tiny boat, except I wasn't really the one who threw myself out in the ocean, my anxiety did. Over the years of being treated like the dirt that laid in your life, my anxiety and depression took a body of its own, and I do not control them.

It's cliché maybe even a little cheesy, if you will. I was a teenager and surprise, surprise, depression hit. My mom use to say depression within teenagers was normal, it was basically everyday life. I don't think she meant anything bad about it she went through it too, but she said it was because of our hormones and we don't know how to react with each other's chemicals? I believe her but I don't necessarily think every teenager has the same type of depression. After I left public high school and started going to online school in my sophomore year, I just started to tumble further and further down into this stupid hell, that is life.

I grew up wanting to be an actor, I wanted to be the most handsome and best actor ever! I never was, well obviously I never was, instead I am a writer, an author. Well actually that's only half true, I am an actor of sorts, I'm a PA for actors. My other days were spent as an author, writing books for children and teens mostly.


A- Assistant

Except I'm not really personal. I travel with a director named Robert Singer, I'm not his personal PA, I'm more like the whole cast's PA, the whole cast shares me I guess. Right now we were starting to shoot the TV series Haikyuu, we haven't quite started yet, call backs for the roles were last Friday. As far as I've been told Seijoh's ace was a looker, and Karasuno's number 12 was the most cutest thing ever.

"Excuse me, do you know where Mr. singer is?" I asked a boy who wore a costume, he was obviously one of or is the main character.

The boy with bright orange hair gave me a thinking look. "Oh uhh I think he's talking to Yamaguchi-san."

"Oh, of course!" I mumbled and went to leave.

"Oi! Wait up!" I heard the actor run up to me.

I glanced at him, now I remember who he is, he's Hinata Shouyou!!!! Great now I'm gonna be nervous talking to him. "Y-yes?"

"You're Seijoh's captain right?"


"Yeah! I'm Karasuno's 10, I'm Hinata! Robert said he wanted us to keep our real names as our characters." Hinata explained to me.

"Oh, that's smart." I mumbled, then remembered what started this conversation. "I'm not an actor, I'm just a PA."

An embarrassed blush crept its way up Hinata's face. "OH! I'm so sorry I just, I assumed because you didn't really have that PA vibe and it just got me thinking that you were a uhh actor and ive met all the actors already except Seijoh's captain so I just assumed..." Hinata went rambling on and on about why he was so sorry.

Finally I help up a hand politely stopping him. "It's okay Mr. Hinata, I understand."

"A-are you sure?" I nodded my head smiling at him. "Well, I think you'd fit the part quite nicely! I'll talk to Robert about that!" Hinata smiled putting his hand up to his chin.

"Wha! no no no no! I'm okay, you don't have to do that!" I tried to persuade the actor that already seemed to be convinced he was gonna do it.

"Dude, don't sweat it! I expect to see you on the other side of the net!" Hinata grinned and then left to go chat with Kageyama Tobio.

*Time Skip*

"PA #1 I'd like to see you." I heard my walkie talkie go off. I sighed and hung my head in defeat. I walked to Mr. Singer's office and knocked shyly on his door.

"Come in." I walked in and waited to be given permission to sit. "You may sit." I sat down and waited again.

"Hmm, what is your name?" Mr. Singer asked me squinting at me.

I gulped heavily feeling the nerves get to me, "Oik-Oikawa Tooru sir."

He squinted at me harder and then got up out of his chair, I stiffened as he sat on the edge of his desk and leaned in close to me. "You're hired." He broke out into a smile and leaned away chuckling.

"Wh-What?" I asked him just to be sure I heard him correctly.

"You're hired kid." Mr. Singer repeated to himself as he sat back down in his seat. "You will be our new Seijoh Cap!"

"O-oh, okay." I sensed him quietly dismissing me and so I turned around and left still in shock.

As soon as I left the office Hinata came bounding up to me with a dorky smile on his face. "Sooo?"

"I-I'm hired?" I mumbled to him. He broke out into smiles and 'woo-hoo's'.

"Great! Go get into your costume!!!" Hinata shouted pushing me toward the costume room. "Oh and you'll get to meet my friends in a minute!"



I liked writing this chapter I'm not sure how many parts there will be but in one of the last parts I'm gonna include some lemons and such ;)

Maybe my next story should be a kagehina lemon then maybe a kenmaXkuroo lemon IDK


don't forget to stay tuned have a nice day and


I do not own haikyuu or any of its character (or Robert singer he is his own man) no copyright infringement intended \


Word count: 1239

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