Kageyama Tobio X Hinata Shouyou Screaming at the ones we love.

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Pairing: Kageyama Tobio X Hinata Shouyou

Plot: It was not their fault they couldn't do it. This was the relationship that was toxic, the type most would say wasn't true or was just puppy love, but it was theirs. Kageyama and Hinata have gone 11 months in this cycle, yes they were dating but they never held hands or even huged they were simply bestfriends with a different title, they never kissed or even said their love you's. Except Kageyama is moving to tokyo, and hinata has some much needed words to say and maybe even some much needed actions to do.


"Where's Kageyama?" Hinata asked as he picked up a volleyball.

Yamaguchi looked up from untangling the net with a frown on his face. "You mean he's never told you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Kageyama is moving to tokyo tomorrow, I assumed you already knew sorry Hinata." Yamaguchi mumbled bashfully.

A fire was lit in Hinata's eyes. Was that true? Was Kageyama just gonna leave without saying anything? "THAT BAKA!" Hinata screamed, running out of the gym.

"OI SHRIMP!" Tsukishima shouted after him.

"It's okay tsukki we can finish the gym ourselves!" Yamaguchi said smiling at his co captain.

Tsukishima grumbled bitterly but agreed anyway.

Hinata quickly mounted his bike and started to pedal as quickly as possible to Kageyama's house. His thighs were burning by the time he made it to his house, all that work biking up hill practically made his thighs combust in his mind. Hinata sprinted up their walk way and their porch stairs and practically stabbed the doorbell with his fingers. "Oh hello Shouyou, Tobio is not home right now." Tobio's mother answered the door.

"Hello Mrs. Kageyama! Do you know where on earth he is?"

"Oh dear, I think he went to the park." Mrs. Kageyama answered stepping out of their house slightly to point Hinata in the right direction.

"THANK YOU MRS. KAGEYAMA!" Hinata shouted running off in the direction of the park.

"Oh my." Mrs. Kageyama mumbled rubbing her pregnant tummy as she watched her son's boyfriend run.

"KAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Hinata screamed as sprinted full speed to the park. Finally he got to the tiny park that held swings and a few slides along with a spin thing.

Hinata grazed the playground multiple times looking for his boyfriend when finally he spotted the black haired boy in a pitch black sweatshirt on the swings. Hinata stalked over to the boy in an angered way. "What's the big idea!" Hinata spat.

"Eh?" Kageyama mumbled looking up. he didn't even try to hide his bloodshot eyes or his red nose and puffy skin, he was obviously crying.

"What is the big idea huh?!" Hinata shouted getting more and more peeved but his heart also sank seeing his tear stained lover.

Kageyama sniffed and decided to play dumb. "What do you mean Hinata?"

"I mean why on earth do I have to hear from my bestfriend that my boyfriend is moving away the next day and not from himself weeks ago!"

"Because......I-" Kageyama tried to start but soon found that his words died in his throat too much.

"Why?! I would really like to know." When Kageyama stayed quiet, Hinata decided to jab at him. "Maybe I should ask Yamaguchi, I mean you obviously tell him more than me, YOUR BOYFRIEND!"

Kageyama flinched and stared at the ground gultily he then mumured something out.


"I said I don't want to say goodbye." All the anger Hinata had seemed to melt away after hearing that, maybe he was too hard on Kageyama.

"But if you knew it was gonna happen, would you have rathered to just leave without a goodbye or leave with a goodbye?" Hinata asked sitting on the swings next to him.

"I wanted to tell you, I did. But I couldn't handle seeing this, that face." Kageyama admitted a dark blush falling across his cheeks as he bent his head so Hinata could still see, if this was the last time he was seeing the orange haired ball of energy he definetely didn't want to be leaving the memory of a blushing school girl.

"Kageyama." Hinata spoke with a stern voice. "I'd rather lose you with a goodbye than lose you with nothing."

Kageyama laughed through his nose finding it to be too much of a heartache conversation to actually laugh.

"I'm serious." Hinata told him.

"I know." Kageyama said quietly finally finding himself looking back up to the stars with sorrow.

Hinata chuckled lightly. "What?" Kageyama asked finding it weird to be laughing now of all times.

"We started off as enemies, rivals and now we're ending as lovers." Hinata said laughing slightly he then turned to kageyama a star in his eye. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Kageyama smiled as well and nodded. "I wouldn't either Boke."


Kageyama stood up with a determind look in his eyes, he walked infront of Hinata and found himself admiring the boys confused face. Kageyama leaned down slowly and licked his lips, he was zoned in on Hinata's plump pink lips that just looked as soft as marshmellows. Their lips brushed then they locked. Except this was no mind blowing fire work exploding kiss, they felt tingles and chills move from the ends of their toes to the tips of their ears, they felt their heart race and give the nauseous feeling like their love was too sweet and they felt their faces burn up. But they didn't feel fireworks or butterflies. It was exactly how it was supposed to be Perfect, sweet, and simple.

My first kiss was with my boyfriend of 11 months, Kageyama Tobio.

It felt like it was a seal of our friendship, like it was a promise, call me sappy but I wanted to believe it.

I wanted it to be like those cheap perfect and maybe even cheesy chick flicks, I wanted him to come back when we were adults and we'd fall in love again, but we never crossed paths again.

Kageyama left for tokyo and that night at the park was out first and last kiss. At one point I grew up, I would no longer chase after dreamt up volleyballs. I grew up went to college and I became a teacher.

At one point we all lost touch, we out grew our karasuno jackets, we out grew highschool.

Suga was no longer Sugamama but Sugawara, and daichi was no longer dadchi but daichi.

Both Coach Ukai's are dead now, along with Takeda sensei and everyone that I know of. I like to think I out lasted everyone from Oikawa to Yachi, it gives me a sense of pride.

I'm 90 years old, my hair isn't orange but white and I'm no longer a teacher but a crow again.

I was the one who started this story and I will be the one who ends it.

"I toss to those who I think are essential to winning, and I don't think that's you."

"Heh, I showed you King."


Sorry kinda just threw you guys into the deep end that is filled with angst, I apologize!

Anywho hope you enjoyed!

don't forget to stay tuned have a nice day and


I do not own haikyuu or any of its characters no copy right infringement intended!


Word count: 1224

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