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Time soon passed by for 3 days for Y/N's concert.

BTS were at their house eating lunch, some pasta and pizza they ordered.

Jin was eating quickly enjoying his food, V was being weird and playing with his food, Rap Monster was laughing,Jimin was eating and talking some funny but jamless jokes, J-hope was dancing to 'Ice cream cake' (OMG lol sorry had to!)
  Suga was slowly falling asleep and Jungkook was eating like a normal person. (I'm so sorry for those lol please forgive me)

"Hey guys? What date is it today?" Jungkook asked remembering for Y/N's concert, "Today is...May 21st.'' Rap Monster replied checking his phone, "Guys today is Y/N's concert!!'' J-hope yelled as he fell down from dancing. "OMG true! Wait how much time is before her concert?" Jimin asked. "Umm 4 hours!" V replied as he looked at the time.

''What are we gonna do until then??" Jin asked as he put more food in his mouth, "How about sleeping?" Suga asked yawning, others looked at him with a 'Really' look he rolled his eyes and laid down to take a nap anyways.
Other BTS laughed at Suga's reaction and they started practising and singing and had fun and were very excited for Y/N's concert.


"Y/N-ah are you ready?" Manager asked while looking at a paper.

"Yes I am, I only need to practice for the stage dancing and singing." she replied smiling, "You'll do amazing okay? You never mess up and even if you do we all are here for you.'' He replied smiling, "Thank you.. Now let's start." she said as she walked on the stage and started singing as the music was on, she looked gorgeous with her sparkling E/C eyes and her shinny H/C hair. Eventho she was a bit tired she was still doing her best.

She never gave up on her fans and always was there for them. Soon some effects came on the stage, some bright lights came on and a bit of fog for interesting effects. Y/N soon finished her practising and co-workers, manager and other people who were working there clapped at her amazing work. She smiled and bowed thanking them politely.

Y/N went backstage and in her room to get ready and wait for the final time to come and concert.


Sorry for short chapters! Just a bit of writers block.. Hope you enjoyed still, and tysm for support!!! <3 
If you have any ideas go ahead and comment if you want, thank you again!

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