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BTS and Y/N woke up and took a small morning walk, after a bit, they went to the car and started driving back to their apartment.

Jin was the one driving, he put some songs on a radio, most of them were Y/N's song. BTS enjoyed her voice, her songs were very good, music was amazing as well.

After a few minutes-

Suddenly the car started stopping, it was getting slower and slower.
Y/N and BTS were confused for a minute, the car finally stopped.

They got out of the car.

"Why did we stop??" Jimin asked.

"I think..um.. let me check.." Namjoon was about to touch the car but everyone screamed 'NO' at him.

"Jeez.. I won't break anything I promise-"

"Yeah sure, we believe you totally.." J-hope replied.

Namjoon frowned, Jin looked at the car and sighed. "We ran out of gas people.."

Everyone whined when Jin said that.

"What are we going to do now??" Jungkook asked while hugging Y/N, Y/N was thinking as she looked around.

Suddenly loud screams could be heard, there was a crowd of people running to Y/N's and BTS' direction.

"OMG..." Jimin said with shook faceu, Namjoon made '-' face, Jin gulped.
''RUN!!!" He screamed as he started running, "RUN RUN RUN!" Jimin started singing, Yoongi sighed and started running, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jungkook, J-hope and Jimin running as well.


"JIMINIE SHUT UP NOW IT'S NOT THE TIME!!" Namjoon yelled while running, Namjoon held Y/N's hand as they ran.  Y/N had pink blush on her face but she was running.

Paparazzi and a lot of fans running  after them.

-After the little run, due to Jin's SMELL-

BTS and Y/N hid somewhere and when the fans and paparazzi left, they walked out and they started laughing.

"That was fun!" Taehyung said.

"To....you....it...was....." Yoongi replied while panting heavily.

"There's the grandpa we know." Namjoon said laughing.

"I'm the sweg God!!!" He replied.

Suddendly there was a car that stopped, near them, there was a guy that walked out of the car and smiled.

"Hey Y/N." He said smiling softly, it was Jacob (random name don't ask) her ex boyfriend..

Y/N stared at him for a second but smiled a bit.

"Ah hey. Long time no see.."

"Who's this?" BTS asked at the same time.

"I'm Jacob, Y/N's ex."

He said as he hugged Y/N's waist and smiled.

"You know..I missed you, I wish we could get back together..."

Y/N felt very awkward, BTS were glaring at Jacob, who smirked at them.

"Uhh...its nice seeing you Jacob..could you um help us out? Our car stopped and could you drive us?"

"How about you guys come at my place?"

Everyone stayed silent, Y/N was thinking, BTS kept shaking their heads hoping she'll say no.

"Don't stress yourself, we just want to go to our apartment--"

"I insist."

Y/n sighed and nodded, BTS facepalming and disappointed.

Jacob smiled and lead Y/N to the car, BTS were following having an eye on him.


Hope you enjoyed!! So sorry I haven't updated in a while... I had a lot of homework and studying to do, so yeah also thanks to:

BangtanFamily7 and The_CavyStorm thanks for commenting!!

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