31 pt 2.

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BTS were having a photoshot.

Y/N was smiling and watching them, they were very happy that she came to see them

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Y/N was smiling and watching them, they were very happy that she came to see them.

After photoshoting group pictures, it was the time for photoshoting each of them.

Before that they greeted Y/N, hugged and thanked her for coming and giving them support.

First one for photoshot they did (this is for story please don't mind this part because I wanna make it kinda interesting and because of their song 'DNA' )


After him

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After him


Then Yoongi:

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Then Yoongi:

Then Yoongi:

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And finally Jungkook:

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And finally Jungkook:

After that they were having a little break, they used that break to talk to Y/N

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After that they were having a little break, they used that break to talk to Y/N.

"Hey chubs!!" Jimin exclaimed and hugged her.

"Thanks for coming." Namjoon said giving a dimple smile.

She smiled, "You're welcome, I'm so excited to hear your song!"

"Well you won't wait that long for that." Jin replied.


First they were doing Jungkook's whistle part, Y/N was watching 'Kookie is so adorable and handsome omg' she thought.

After a bit they starte shooting the choreography and each part for each of them. Y/N was watching, she was amazed by their skills at dancing and singing/rapping.

As they were finishing, Y/N ordered some pizza and juice.

They sat down, ate and celebrated the successful work.


'Man they are all so handsome and talented..'  

Y/N thought as she was chewing on a delicious slice of pizza.

BTS were happily eating, glancing at Y/N a few times.

Y/N was humming a song, 'Paper Hearts.'

When Jungkook heard her, his eyes widen a bit and started singing with her.

Y/N blushed slightly and kept on singing. 

'Remember the way you made me feel
Such young love but
Something in me knew that it was real
Frozen in my head~'

BTS stopped eating and stared at Y/N listening to her voice. Suga fell asleep AGAIN, but this time because of her voice, Jin was eating and watching. Jimin and Taehyung were shook, J-hope was smiling, Namjoon broke the table. (GOD OF DESTRUCTION)

"Oppsie...." he said and facepalmed, "I'll pay for it.." BTS looked at him and shook their heads judging.


Lmao, hope you liked this chapter, have any ideas and things you wanna see in the story? Comment and vote! ♡

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