You Thought This Was Over? Well Think Again :)

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Lee Jinsoo: 

'First Date'

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'First Date'

Jinsoo would take you out on a romantic picnic by the beach, he'd make sure everything looks perfect for the woman he's in love with.

'First Kiss'

He would be shy at first but he'd end up kissing you when you least expect it, he'd cut you off while you were talking about something and he was admiring you, he would just kiss you gently and afterwards feel very shy shy shy.


He'd make sure everything is perfect, he'd pick out the most beautiful ring he could find and propose to you at your guys' favourite spot, he'd make everything romantic with cendals and flower petals.


You two would have a very nice, big wedding at the beach, since Jinsoo really likes the beach and so do you, (I'm sorry if you don't like the beach, just imagine the wedding is somewhere else, ok?) the wedding would be just like how you imagined it would be.


It's up to you, your choice of how many kids you'd like to have with him!
Hello my fellow readers! I know most of you are probably confused. Why this update? Well, I noticed that a lot of people liked Lee Jinsoo as a character in this story, so I decided to make a special chapter about him! I hope you like it, I also FINALLY made an Official Trailer for this fanfiction!

What I should've made like four years ago but my editing skills were poor, 🤦‍♀️the video itself isn't that great but I like how it turned out! I hope you enjoy it and please check out my other videos! I also made an Instagram account @ bunkooks so be sure to check it out for some BTS imagines. (sorry for the self promo)

Anyways, this is the final ending of this story, I want to thank you all for reading, commenting and voting! It warms my heart to see so many lovely and funny comments! And omg guys! This story is so close to getting 500K reads! Thank you so much for that!!! I want to thank my friends as well who were there with me from the start, thank you for reading this garbage Fanfic. :')

I apologise for any grammar mistakes or mistakes in general while writing that I made in the past, this book is old and my English was not that great before but now it improved and it's still improving! Be sure to check out my other stories as well!

Thank you all for everything, May God bless you all, stay safe and take care! Bye! 💜

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