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' First Date '

Your first date with Kookie would he a trip to aquarium, where you two would stand under the glass walls looking at all the fish swimming. You would be very impressed about all those fish swimming by that you see. Jungkook was very original and had amazing and beautiful ideas so this date was very special to you. After the date you'd repay Kookie with a kiss on the cheek.

' First Kiss'

Jungkook would be very nervous about it. He'd at first kiss you slightly and he would look for your reaction before pulling away. If he saw you liked it he'd give you another quick kiss.

' Proposal '

Jungkook would be really nervous about how he will propose you. He would take to a cherry blossom tree, one of your spots and sit down with you and talk to you about some random stuff and end up proposing you.

' Marriage '

Jungkookie would make sure the wedding goes perfect by help of his Hyungs giving him confidence and all the help they can.

' Kids '

You and Jungkook would have two kids, a girl and a boy.

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