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After yesterday Y/N and Jimin didn't really talk, they were both embarrassed, usually Jimin would actually talk to her and do aegyo but he was blushing a bit.

Y/N and BTS decided to go on a beach party that was starting at 6.

BTS were talking to each other, Jimin was sitting alone on a sofa thinking.

Taehyung approached him, "Hey Jimin-ah, you okay?"

"Hey V-ssi, yeah I'm fine."

"You sure Jiminie? You seem upset?"

"I'm okay." Jimin replied as he got up and walked to his room.

Taehyung of course followed him, "Is Y/N the reason?"

"Geez Tae you sure don't give up.."

"Nope, now tell me before I wake up Yoongi Hyung so he can kill you. "

Jimin gulped and sighed. He slowly explained what happened yesterday.

Taehyung stared at him, "Really Jimin... you really got no jams.."


Taehyung laughed and left the room.

Jimin was kinda angry and sighed.

Jungkook was arguing with Jin, kinda.

Namjoon tried stopping them but ended up breaking a chair. "For God's sake.."

"Jungkook you need to listen to me, if you don't eat you'll live short!!" Jin said a bit angry.

"Really? As short as your lines Hyung?" Jungkook replied smirking a bit.

"oHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Namjoon and J-hope yelled.

Jin was speechless, "young man..COME HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU!"

Jungkook laughed and ran away, Jin chasing.


BTS arrived at the beach, them waiting for Y/N, Y/N soon arrived and smiled.

Jin and Jungkook were both looking angry like, she laughed at that. " what happened to you two?"

"Oh nothing just a small fight.."

"bURNNNNN happened." J-hope said.

"Um okay?" Y/N replied laughing a bit.

"Can we forget about it and lets go party?!" Taehyung asked.

Other BTS nodded and so did Y/N.

"Yassss let's go party turn up!" Tae yelled doing a weird move and everyone looking at him weirdly.

"He's not with us." Yoongi said putting on sunglasses and laying down on sand. ((Ye boi sunglasses at night))

Y/N sat down on a chair and got a drink, a random guy suddenly came to her "Hi beautiful~" he said winking.

Y/N stared at him weirdly, "um? Hello??"

"Come here often?~ wanna go out with me?"

"Uhhh..sorry I just met you and plus I am not interested-"

"Oh come on~ we can have all the fun--"

"She said she's not interested." Taehyung said looking at that random dude, "So leave her alone. Now." ((Ayy overprotective TaeTae))

Guy growled at Taehyung and left.

"Geez..these people..Thanks TaeTae."

"You're welcome, but no wonder why guys come to you, you're gorgeous you know that right?" He said winking at her.

"Um thanks. But seriously I'm nothing special.."

"Well you are special to me and BTS. Not to mention your family."

"If you say so, thanks."

Taehyung sat down next to Y/N getting a drink and talking to her having finally some alone time with her, other BTS members judging him of course.

Later after the party-

Y/N went to her apartment, Taehyung walked her there not wanting to leave her alone.

BTS let him have that alone time tho, since they found out about Jimin and they wanted Y/N to choose by spending some time with each of them.

"It was fun today, hope you had fun too." Taehyung told Y/N smiling and bitting his lip for no reason. ((Flirty guy))

"Yup. Thanks again Tae."

"You're very welcome!~" he said getting closer to her face about to kiss her, she blushed and quickly kissed his cheek.

"Cya tomorrow Tae.." she said and closed the door.

Taehyung sighed but smiled and walked back to his room.

Hope you enjoyed, vote, comment if you liked it. lol this book is so lame oml.

Cya peeps!

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