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Y/N and Namjoon met up in Namjoon's room, they were talking, asking each other about idol things.

"You know, I can write poems and songs just about your eyes."

That sentence Namjoon spoke to her, was sweet yet it made the (H/C) blush.

Namjoon laughed, and pet her head as if she was a child. Y/N pouting and looking away.

"Awww come on beautiful, look at me!"

This made her blush become more visible, slowly turning to Namjoon who had a dimple smile.

"So..." he said looking around.


"Do you...have ideal type..?"

"Um well..Kinda I do.."

"Oh? Who is it?!"

Y/N stayed silent not wanting to reply to this.

"I don't really wanna say but--"

"I'll keep it a secret. I promise!"

Y/N sighed. "Fine..It's----"

Y/N's words were cut off by Yoongi, who walked in Namjoon's room. "Hey Namjoon did you break my sunglasses AGAIN?" Yoongi said, at first he didn't see Y/N but then he noticed her. "Oh....HEY Y/N!"

"Oh um hey.."

Namjoon groaned looking at Yoongi who obviously cut off Y/N when she was about to reply.

"No..It wasn't me--''

"Yeah sure, you break things all the time it must've been you!"

"But this time it wasn't! Why don't you ask Taehyung?! He always plays with stuff so MAYBE HE broke them!"

"Uhm..I'll see you guys later bye.." Y/N said and walked to her room.

" She was just about to tell me who's her ideal type!! Why did you have to burge in?! "

" -_- Not my fault, these sunglasses give me sweg and they mean a lot to me, more than you do. "


Namjoon growled and walked away to other BTS who were..well being themselves. J-hope dancing 'Touch My Body' with Jimin, Jungkook judging them hard, V laughing and being weird and Jin eating shaking his head.

Namjoon walked inside and sat down being angry.

"What's up with you Namjuice?"
Jimin asked chucking.

"Y/N was literally just about to tell me who was her ideal type BUT Suga burged in asking for his stupid sunglasses being broken.."

Yoongi came inside glaring at Namjoon."those sunglasses give me sweg, I'm sorry but how was I suppose to know Y/N was with you??"


Namjoon nodded. BTS looking at him shook, although they had some moments with her but they were still shook.

"Suga it's not your fault I'm sorry.." Namjoon said apologizing.

"Eh its fine..sorry about saying that my sunglasses mean more than you." He said hugging Namjoon.

"Sorry I said you got no jams.."

"Guys still, we can't judge her..it's HER choice an--"

"Yes we know Jin-hyung." Others said at the same time.

Jin rolled his eyes and continued eating, mumbling something.

"Also Taehyung, did you break my sunglasses? -_- "

"Um...GTG!" Tae said while running off, Yoongi chasing him. "tHESE WERE SO EXPENSIVE! I SWEAR TAEHYUNG I'LL KILL YOU!"




Jungkook gulped, Yoongi glaring at him.

BTS started laughing at Yoongi and Taehyung, and Jungkook who was hidding behind Namjoon.

Sorry for the late update but here you go also SO CLOSE TO 50K OML TYSM GUYS!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

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