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Y/N woke up by her mom's voice.

"Hey morning Y/N, here is your breakfast dear." she said as she handed her a plate with a nice meal in it. Y/N smiled and thanked her mom.

"Ah also..there is someone waiting for you downstairs, when you finish your breakfast come downstairs. " she smiled and walked away.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "Who could that be?" she shrugged and ate her breakfast quickly and changed into different clothes and ran downstairs.

Little did she know BTS were sitting in the living room waiting for her.

"Y/N!!" Jungkook yelled and hugged her, she hugged back awkwardly.

Other BTS members got up and joined the hug, Y/N blushed a bit and hugged back. "I..can't..breathe..." she said.

BTS laughed and pulled away from the hug not to murder her.

"Y/N..look...we know what had happened but..we talked to your company, they said you should come back. They can't work without you." Namjoon said.

"You're beautiful," Taehyung said.

"Talented" Jin said,

"With sweg." Suga added,

"Amazing in any way." Jimin said smiling,

"Dope as hell!" Namjoon said.

"And adorable!" Jungkook said blushing.

"Y/N, you're our hope our angel!"Jhope said smiling.

"We need you.." they all said at the same time.

Y/N smiled and hugged them all, "Thank you guys.." she said.

"Y/N you  have some amazing friends, you're lucky to have them." Y/N's mom added.

"So...Ready to come back?" Namjoon asked Y/N.

She nodded. "Yes I am!"

BTS smiled and walked outside saying 'bye' to Y/N's parents.

Y/N grabbed her stuff and hugged her parents leaving to the car with BTS.


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