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The next week-

Y/N was getting ready for the next concert she had. She wasn't that happy, she only faked a smile everytime, worked so hard every night trying to be better, only doing it for fans eventho she got hate, it soon stopped.


BTS were there waiting for Y/N's concert to start.

They were in a line kinda pushing each other from the excitement.

"Aish! Jimin hyung stop pushing me!"
Jungkook said.

"Sorry Jungkook-ah!'' Jimin replied petting his head.

"Yoongi, don't push me too!'' Taehyung said as he puffed up cheeks.

"I'm not..I need my space." Yoongi replied lazily.

"Okay enough calm down you all! It's starting!" Mother Jin yelled at the boys calming them down.

"Sorry Jin hyung.." they all said bowing.

Namjoon only laughed, Jin sighed.

"Anyways, it's starting look!!" Jin poined to the stage as the music was playing.

Y/N came to the stage and bowed, she greeted her fans and started singing.

Some fanboys were screaming a lot, BTS were cheering Y/N. Her voice was beautiful. Actually perfect.

Suddenly a fanboy got on a stage, "Y/N Noona!!" He screamed, Y/N continued singing and backed away a bit.

"Y/N, I'm your dream man! I love you so much, I dream about you every night. Pls sign here for me?? Can you wish me luck on my exams?! "

Y/N just looked at him and just signed on the paper he had.

"Thank you so much Y/N!! I hope you think about me everyday and promise you'll call me?! Here is my nu--"

Security people ran to the stage and grabbed the guy and pulled him away from Y/N so she can continue the concert, Y/N sighed and continued.

(Rip feelings lol)

"Woah, is that guy serious?" Jimin asked Taehyung.

"Well Y/N is a gorgeous woman, no wonder why he was like that." Taehyung replied.

"Yeah, but she did a good job. " Jin said.


There was another fan meeting, Y/N talked to a lot of fans and signed a lot of autographs, she was exhausted.

"Y/N-ah, you sure you can continue? There are a few left but we can cancel?" Manager asked.

Y/N fake smiled, "It's no problem..I can."

"Okay then, I'll be heading home now. We'll see you tomorrow!" He said as he left.

Y/N sighed and finished with other fans and got up. She suddenly got a headache and closed her eyes touching her head with hand.

"Ugh..why headache now.."

Namjoon came up to Y/N, "hey you okay?"

She looked up at him. "Hey Namjoon, yeah I'll be fine." she faked another smile, I just need some sleep..do I'll be heading home. Sorry.."

"Why are you sorry?" He asked as he chuckled. "Being tired isn't a reason to be sorry!"

"Yeah I know..say hi to other members..I just can't stay up more, I'll see you later." Y/N said and walked outside and a worker drove her home.

She went to her room, she suddenly started feeling weird, her headache got worse, her body was exhausted from everything. She walked in her room but she passed out and fell on the floor.


Find out what happens next in the next chapter!! Hope you enjoyed and OMG tysm for 11k!! ILY so much guys thank you!

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