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[Jungkookie the golden maknae chapter! Hope you enjoy!]

Jungkook walked up to Y/N's table having a blush on his face, "A-Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Jungkook.."

"Hi!! Nice to meet you Jungkook!" Y/N said as she signed her name for Jungkook, little did she know Jungkook was very nervous and blushing, because he's scared of girls but Y/N thought he's adorable. 

She handed him an autograph "Any questions Kookie?"

"D-Do you like cute stuff?.."

"Yes!! I mean pfft who doesn't?"


Jungkook's face was full red and he tried his best not to stutter but he failed. He did aegyo to hide away his shyness.

"AWWWWWWWW that's adorable!"

He blushed even more at the compliment but he thanked Y/N, hw gave her a small box and stood up. "T-Thank you so much! Hope we could talk more again!"

Y/N smiled and waved to Jungkook who ran off fanboying to other members. Others started cheering and talking about Y/N, J-hope put a paper in the air which had Y/N's number on it, all the members smiled knowing this wasn't the last time talking to her and that there will be another chance of talking to her member to members.

Hope you enjoyed those chapters!!! The other chapters will be like usual before the fan meeting and there will be some adventures happening yo Y/N, guys fighting over her and many other things! I really hope you enjoy this book, again tysm for 1k+ reads and for 100 votes! I seriously appreciate it! Thank you.

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