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Back with another chapter lmao it's so bad as always, anyways enjoy folks.

"You have to choose between BTS and your career."


This makes no sense! Why do I have to choose?? I mean I'm an idol but I would chose BTS because they're more important than my dumb music life!

"Um..what kind of decision is that?! What do you mean I gotta choose??"

"It's up to you. "

"Well then..I choose BTS!"

"We thought you were gonna say that...sorry but you see it's complicated.."

"What? How complicated?"

"Choice you make has consequences."


"Yes. If you choose to stay, BTS won't work with music anymore and their life will go horrible. But on the other side if you choose BTS, then you can't stay in contact with them, cant hang out, can't talk about them and you CAN'T mention them or even say anything about them. So I'd recommend the second option, it's for the best, plus you're so popular and we can't lose you and your talent, it's rare in this world."

Y/N stayed silent, she was speechless. She was thinking of what to do, she was confused, angry and sad at the same time. All of her emotions were mixed and wanted to explode.

"You know what..." she looked up slowly at both of them.

"If it's all about the popularity, money (I got no mahni mahni mahniiii)
Then I'd rather stop working as an idol, than to stay like this without my friends. I don't need all of this, it's nothing without having friends." She stated and walked out of the room slamming the door behind her, she started packing her stuff. 

"Wait you can't leave that's not the opti--"

"I don't care about your options.. you only think about  yourselves and money ans nothing else..you never asked me for my opinion about it! So back off before I choose something even worse and sue you!"

Y/N's manager stayed silent, he looked at the floor and mumbles something as Y/N left.

"Sir that wasn't nicest way to say that--" one of make-up artists said


Make-up artist jumped a bit as he yelled and nodded "Y-YES SIR!" and she ran away.

Y/N's manager sighed and sat down having hands on his face, covering them.


Lmao well this was so bad, hope you enjoyed anyways, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had a lot of tests, homework and studying to do. Cya next time!

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