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Before we start I just wanted to tell you guys Happy New year and Happy Holidays! I love you all so much and I wish you the best! Thank you for voting for this story, commenting and reading!

"So Y/N what do you say..?"

"Fine..I'm coming back.."

BTS jumped up happily and cheered as they hugged  Y/N tight.

"Y/N you won't forget me right..?" Jinsoo asked frowning.

"Of course not! You helped me so much, thank you."

"Um would you like to have my number so we could text..?"

"Uhm sure!" Y/N replied as she switched each other numbers.

"Just don't give it to anyone else.. and don't make some moves..." Namjoon said with a little glare.

Jinsoo was kinda sh00k,  but he shook his head and nodded.

"I'd never do that!" He replied, he went up to Y/N and hugged her.

"Yeah sure..." Yoongi mumbled.

"Y/N I'll miss you, I wish you the best okay? Just stay safe please." Jinsoo said smiling a little but he was sad.

"Of course, thank you Jinsoo, for everything.''

A little time skipㅡ

After that Y/N and BTS went back to the companies, they had a really long talk with their managers.

Y/N and BTS were really happy, they could hang out again and be together.

Y/N had a lot of fans waiting for her to ask her questions and to talk with her. BTS were just happy they had their precious Y/N back.

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