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"Y/N thank God you're back! What in the world happened to you?!"

"I-I'm sorry...Just I wanted to be more successful and...I got too much hate and I...needed to leave..I'm sorry..I can be fired if you want.."

"You fired?" Her manager laughed. "How could I do that? Y/N, you got  something special, you're not like other people."

"B-But all that hate--''

"Y/N, it's fine to get hate, you still have many fans that care about you and the ones that love you. Now we're heading to the airport. Let's go."

Y/N nodded and followed, BTS were waiting at the airport too. Many fans were there screaming and taking pictures.

Y/N came over and greeted them,some fans stayed silent seeing Y/N there, one fan was close to the street and she wasn't paying attention to the street. Y/N's eyes widen when she saw a car coming to the fan's direction, she ran to the fan and grabbed her and pulled her away from the street.

"Are you okay?!" Y/N asked nervously.

"O-oh...my...God...You're my hero! Y/N I love you so much you're my hero!!" She said and hugged Y/N tight.

Y/N was shocked at first but she hugged back.

Other fans were staring at her and clapped and started cheering, they were wrong, Y/N isn't mean,she really is a nice and a kind person.

BTS were watching and they were speechless.

The only thing they said was "She really is something special.."

''I-I'm so sorry I scared you, but thanks for saving my life..C-Could you sign your autograph p-please?"

Y/N smiled and nodded and gave her an autograph.

Fans took more pictures and recorded.


Y/N got another notification on her phone, "Not again...I can't stand more hate.." she sighed and clicked the link to see what it is about.

' Y/N spotted at the airport saving a fan from being hit by the car! '

'All the rumours were fake about her! She's actually a sweet girl and a hero!'

Y/N stayed silent reading all of this, she was actually happy and she put her phone away.

"Finally it stopped.." Y/N sighed and laid on her bed and started writing a new song.

-At BTS dorm-

"Jin-Hyung! I'm hungry!" Jungkook said pouting.

''Well then eat." Jin replied chuckling.

"Really Jin-Hyung.. -_- "

"I'm joking, order a pizza and ask others first if they're hungry." Jin replied laughing.

"Okay..." Jungkook frowned and walked to others.

"Hey you Hyungs! Are you all hungry? I'm ordering a pizza."

"Ah yeah sure, I'm hungry." Namjoom said.

"Me too!" Jimin added.

"Me three!" Taehyung said rubbing his tummy.

"Ye, swag is hungry." Suga said.

"Please do." J-hope added.

"Okay then!" Jungkook said and ordered a pizza. "It will arrive in 10 minutes."

"Good." Namjoon said.

Jimin was kinda day dreaming, Taehyung smacked his shoulder. "Jimin-ah, are you okay?"

"Aish! Yeah." Jimin replied rubbing his shoulder.

"You don't seem like it, thinking about Y/N, huh?" Tae asked.

"Hm maybe~" Jimin replied smirking.

"I wonder who will she choose.." Taehyung whispered.

"Obviously me~If she does it will be like heaven~"

"Hey!! Pabo, remember she loves all of us! You can't be sure if she chooses you!" Taehyung told Jimin.

"And how are you so sure hm?~"

"I'm not! It's just..."

"I'm joking I'm joking..geez Tae.." 

"Yah! What's all your yelling about??" J-hope came to them asking.

"Y/N." Taehyung and Jimin said at the same time.

"Ohhhhh, no wonder why you two sound like kids fighting over a toy."

"HEY!" Tae and Jimin yelled at Hobi, Hobi just chuckled.

"She'll probably choose me, I'm an angel after all~" J-Hope said. 

"Oh hush you horse, she'll choose me and my swag~" Suga said with 'a expensive glasses' on.

"Shush turtle!" J-hope yelled at Suga.

Jungkook came over "Don't yeeeellllll she will choose the Golden Maknae!"

"Nope! The RapMoonie Moonie Moonie~" RapMon said laughing.

BTS continued arguing until eomma Jin came over.


BTS stopped and stayed quiet.

"STOP ARGUING! Geez..you are like little kids.. how did your moms even survived..idk."  Jin said sitting down.

"My point is..Why are we arguing? I mean I know..We all love Y/N to pieces but..we can't be sure who will she choose. It's up to her, we all are unique in our way. So it's not a point to argue."

BTS nodded and looked down. "Sorry Jin-Hyung.." they all said at the same time.

Jin smiled, "Okay now the pizza came, come on lets eat." He said and walked to the kitchen. BTS nodded and followed.

They all started eating, they remember what happened today and they talked about Y/N, what they like about her and other stuff.

''She's very brave.." Jimin said eating.

"Yup." RapMon replied.

"I love her.." all BTS members said at the same time.
Hope you enjoyed! If you have anything special you want for the chapters just comment! Thanks for reading and thanks for 30K+ reads!


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