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' First Date '

You and Jimin would have a romantic date, he would give you some flowers and have a nice dinner with you at your favorite restaurant.

' First Kiss'

Jimin likes to act cool but once he was about to kiss you he would be very shy. He would wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him and leaning in to kiss you. Once his lips connected with yours, his confidence would grow and he would become very passionate and loving.


Jimin would be very nervous to ask you this question, he was hoping for a yes and was struggling if you'll say yes or no. When he got enough courage he'd ask you this question, you would actually end up saying 'yes' many times and end up cuddling in his arms all day.

'Marriage '

Jimin would like to make sure his wedding goes cool, with the help of BTS of course because the little mochi is jamless.

' Kids'

You and Jimin would have 3 kids, a girl and two boys.

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