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2 days later-

BTS and Y/N got back to Korea after visiting LA.

Y/N got up checking her phone at home noticing an article titled: "Scandalous! K-idol spotted with BTS?!"

She started reading it.

"Due to popular korean boy band BTS' tour, there will probably be other idols congratulating them on such a big achievement. However one specific idol going by the name Y/N, has been spotted by them more than once. Fans are begining to get worried/mad with the idol."

Y/N starts scrolling down to the comments and most of it is hate and more hate than she's gotten, there's not a single supportive comment.

-After a while-

Y/N read the comments and she walked outside. Y/N walked up to find Jin, since he is the eldest and the wisest. She came up to him, "Jin.."

she said with a sad look. "Ah hey child, what's wrong??"

Y/N looked down while wrapping arms around Jin for a hug. Jin hugged Y/N tight trying to calm her down.

Y/N explained everything to Jin, "W-What should I do Jin?...why would they say that?.." 

He stroked her hair slowly, "Y/N..It's okay to get hate, you're an idol..sometimes you get joy and happiness and sometimes you get hate. People are just like that, but look on the bright side of life, you have a lot of supportive fans. People just aren't the same."

Y/N nodded looking up at Jin "Thank you so much Jin."

He smiled and looked down at her "No problem."

"Um Jin? Do you feel like someone's watching us?" Y/N asked looking around, "Um no Y/N I don't think so."

She shrugged it off and thanked Jin for helping her.

Little did you know one saesang fan took pictures of you and Jin hugging each other, they sneaked away when you started looking around you. You were right, someone Was watching you.

Time skips tomorrow-

It's another day, Y/N woke up by her phone buzzing from a new article from the same place.

"Y/N spotted with a BTS member,Kim Seokjin again! Dating rumors begin to surface!!"

Y/N reads through it and there's the attacted picture of them hugging closely and the article:

"Yesterday rumors surfaced from one picture taken by a saesang fan of Kim Seokjin and Y/N, fans aren't sure if they're together or not but it's safe to say it's definitely damaging Y/N's career, perhaps when she returns back to Korea, she won't have one? that's it for now."

Y/N just stared at the screen and stayed silent. She threw her phone away and her eyes started watering, leaving a few tears rolled down her cheeks, she layed down on her stomach and cried herself in the pillow.


Okay that's all for now, enjoyed? I hope you did! I need to thank a person who helped me with this chapter hosuneok !! Please go and follow her and give her some love! Her ideas are always amazing! Thank you and cya!

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