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[Okay so now doing Yoongi chapter. Infires! lmao, enjoy Yoongi lovers! ]

"Hello Miss Y/N." Yoongi said as he sat down smiling actually.

"Hi! You must be erm...Yoongi?"

"Yup one and only."

"Oh well okay Yoongi, your work is amazing as well, keep up that great work!" Y/N said as she did the autograph and gave it to Yoongi.


"No problem! Any questions Yoongi?"

"What infires you to write songs??" (lol okay I know but I had to)

"Well a lot of things in real life, a lot of songs and happy moments and sad moments."

"Ah that's good..Just keep that work going on." Yoongi replied as he smiled.

"Thanks, I like your songs as well, you're a good rapper.''

"Heh thanks, I try but I'm more lazy and sleepy."

"Yup I know!" Y/N replied as she giggled.

"Well thanks for this talk Y/N, cya later." Yoongi said as he got up "Ah also here," he gave Y/N a f/c pillow, smiled and walked off.Y/N smiled brightly and hugged the pillow.

Awww cute! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, peace! ✌

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