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The next day-

Jin went up to Y/N's room and softly knocked on her door.

Y/N heard the knocking and quickly opened the door.

"Ah hey Jin! You need something?"

"Hey Y/N, well um me and J-hope are going shopping and we were wondering if you'd like to join us?"

"Ah sure I'd love to!"

"Great, cya in 15 minutes."

-After 15 minutes-

J-hope was holding a piece of paper which had a written list of things they needed to buy.

Y/N walked to them and hugged them both, they hugged her back.

They then walked to the shop to buy some food, Jin looking for cooking ingredients.

J-hope was looking for some candies he could buy and ice cream.

Y/N was helping Jin while walking.

After picking up the food and ingredients, J-hope made them go shop some clothes.


Y/N was sitting in her room reading a book.

She soon heard a knock on her door, she sighed and answered.

Surprised she saw J-hope who was smiling ear to ear.

"Ah hey J-hope."

"That's right it's your hope, your angel~"

"Um so what do you need?"

"I need you girl~"

"No no please not songs!"

"Haha I'm joking, I got something for you and I hope you like it."

J-hope said giving her a beautiful F/C (favorite colorshirt with her name on it.

"OML J-hope when did you get this?!"

"Today silly, I just hid it and payed for it secretly so you don't see it."

Y/N smiled and hugged J-hope. "It's amazing, thanks."

"You're welcome! I'll let you get back to whatever you're doing and I hope you have a nice sleep!"

"Thanks Hobi."

"No prob. Cya tomorrow angel~" J-hope said as he walked off.

Y/N smiled and looked at the shirt, she immediately put it on looking at the mirror. "Man he's so sweet, who am I kidding all of them are adorable and so sweet! I love them so much."

There was another knock on Y/N's door, she raised an eyebrow. "Who's that now?"

She opened the door and saw Jin who had a toothy cute smile.

"Ah sorry I bother you but, I made this cake and I was wondering if you'd like to share it? It's made special for you."

'What's with all these gifts?! I mean I appreciate those but seriously they don't need to do this'

"You really didn't have to Jin, you already have enough things going--''

Jin put a finger on her lips making her go silent,blushing.

"Y/N please, you're very special to us, gifts we give are given with pleasure and love, you mean so much to us and we love you."

Y/N sighed and nodded taking the cake and she put it on the table and grabbed a knife to cut two pieces for her and Jin.

Jin smiled and ate his piece, "oh this cake is okay I guess."

"OKAY?! BOI THIS CAKE IS SO DELICIOUS!" (On a golden day, I know I'll cut the cake- sorry misheard-)

"Heh thanks, I'm glad you like it."

After a while, eating, talking Jin got up.

"Its kinda late, I should go back before boys freak out or something. I hope you sleep good , good night princess." Jin said while kissing Y/N's forehead and leaving.

Y/N blushed brightly, a bit frozen. "Y-yeah c-cya.."


That's all for this chapter, if you enjoyed vote and commentㅡ this sucks lol.

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