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3 days later-

Y/N and BTS decided to go camping, there was this forest near by and they decided to go camp.

Jin was taking pictures of nature, trees, grass, birds.

Suga was yawning, wanting to sleep.

Taehyung looking around, Jimin following close to Jungkook.

Namjoon walking with J-hope who was smiling 24/7.

They could hear the sound of old leaves that crunched under their feet.

When they arrived, they set up the  camp tants and their stuff.

"Hey Y/N, could you please go and find some sticks so we can make fire?" Jin asked.

"FIREEEEEEEEEEEE--!" Suga yelled but Namjoon put a hand on his mouth and shook his head.

"Oh, yeah sure!" She replied while walking off to get a few sticks.

As she was searching for them, she was looking around.

It was getting darker and darker, when she was finally done, she turned around. Nothing but darkness, she knew  was lost, she couldn't hear anything but the wind hitting the branches.

Y/N walked, trying to find the way back, failing since it was way too dark.

Meanwhile with Bangtan-

"Where is she?? ;-; " J-hope asked.

"What's taking her so long?! I could've used sweg and get sticks faster!" Suga replied.

"Shut up! I'm worried if something happened to her.." Jin said bitting lip.

"Yeah same." Namjoon added.

"The Golden Maknae shall save the day!! I'll go get her brb." Jungkook said as he ran off.

"WAIT- ugh.." Jimin said sighing.

"Don't worry, he will find her." Taehyung said as he pat Jimin's back.


Y/N sighed as she sat down, suddendly she heard a noise. She jumped and backed away, when a figure came out of nowhere she hit him.



" ;-; Noonaaaaaa my head hurts, why would you hit me?"

"Ugh I'm sorry..I didn't know it was you.."

"It's fine Noona. You okay?! We've been worried about you!"

"Yup, perfectly fine."

"Okay let's go." Jungkook and Y/N then walked back to members, then they were eating marshmallows, of course Namjoon burnt most of them. 

Then they were talking, dancing to some songs and fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed! hosuneok thanks for helping me out I appreciate it!!! And thanks so much for voting and reading! ♡

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