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-One Week Later- (insert Spongebob-)

Y/N finally got a small break from the concerts and fan meetings, so she decided to rest how she can.

She opened the presents some of BTS gave her and smiled. They were mostly jewellery and some cards with stickers.

Soon she got a call, she grabbed her phone and answered:


"Hey Y/N!!"

"Hi, who's this?" 

"It's Namjoon! Remember? BTS!"

"OH! Hey RapMon! What's up?"

"Nothing much-- but do you have anything planned for these days?"

"No no nothing really! Why?" 

"Well me and BTS are having a huge concert at LA, so we wanted to ask you if you'd like to come? We have one ticket left we saved just for you!"

"Oh yes of course!! I'd love to come!"

"Really?! Cool! You know English fluently or?"

"Yes I know, I studied English a lot and I love that language so much!"

"Great!! Cya later then? We'll pick you up at 4 pm?"

"Yup! Cya then!"

Y/N said as she ended the call and got up and walked to get her stuff to pack for LA.

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry this is short!  I need to thank hosuneok for giving me idea for this chapter! Tysm bestie! So please be kind and follow her because she deserves it guys! Annyeong!~ ♡

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