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Jinsoo is so sweet, I'm glad that I've met him and I'm glad that he helped me..

I guess this is the best for me. No cameras, no crowds, no singing and..dancing. 

Gosh who am I kidding... I miss being an idol and singing on stage.. but this is for the best.

Y/N thought as she was washing the dishes, thinking. She sighed and checked her phone, notifications kept plopping, it made Y/N think her phone will explode.

She sighed and picked up her phone.

She started scrolling down checking a new rumour.

'Spectacular and famous Y/N L/N left her company!! Her manager told us and gave us more details about it, we are trying our best to find more details but unfortunately Y/N isn't anywhere to be seen, so we're guessing she went back to her hometown. Stay on for details!'

Y/N lets a long sigh and puts her phone away shaking her head.

"Can they stop..? I'm no one special... they don't need me..they can easily find a better idol and give her a job."

"Are you sure about that? Because last time I checked Y/N L/N is the awesomest idol in Korea."

Y/N jumped by the sudden voice, she looked to the direction of the doorframe and there was Lee Jinsoo who had crossed arms as he was leaning on the door.

"Oh my gosh you scared me!"

He just chucked. "You should just relax and don't have such a low self esteem."

"It's not like I'm special.."

"Yes you are. To everyone you are..to me..."

Y/N stared at his eyes for a while, but suddenly they heard someone call for the orders. Y/N ran out to go get the orders. Jinsoo sighed. "Damnit..." He mumbled and walked back to work.

Unexpected Fans [BTS X F! Idol! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now