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At the late night, Y/N came to her home town.

Leaving the bus and walking to her parents' house.

She sighed and gently knocked on the door waiting for them to answer.

"Yes--- Oml Y/N sweetie!" Y/N's mom said as she gently hugged her smiling brightly.

"Hey mom..I missed you.." she replied fake smiling.

"We missed you too!" Her dad said coming behind mom, "Our little angel, we watch you on every live and your every new music video! You're amazing, we're so proud of you." dad replied tearing up a bit.

"We're so glad you came to visit us! Is it because you're on a break? How long??" Her mom asked curiously.

"No...well kinda..I'm staying here for a bit.."

"Oh?" Dad asked raising an eyebrow.

"Come on in! You must be cold!" Mom said as she grabbed Y/N's arm gently and pulled her inside, Y/N's dad got her luggage and walked inside closing the door.

"So what brings you here and is everything alright?" Y/N's mom asked.

Y/N started crying quietly and hugged her parents. She told them everything of what had happened to her and about harassment and hate comments.

"So that's why you came here.. you wanna give up?" mom asked.

Y/N nodded and sobbed, "w-well...I think it's the best thing to do.."

"Hmm..Y/N let me show you something." Dad grabbed a DVD with her name on it and put it on the TV.

"Huh? What's this?"

"It's you, when you were a  little kid. Here you see? When you were learning how to walk, you kept falling down but you never gave up. You were always brave and you never gave up on anything ,no matter how hard situations were." Her dad said smiling. 

"Why are you showing me this?.."

"Y/N we are your parents, we love you  more than you can imagine. We will support you for every decisions. But, you should think about it. Would Y/N really leave her dreams? Would she really give up?" dad asked.

Y/N stayed silent for a few seconds and then looked up and whispered "no.."

"Exactly! You're our daughter and you mean a lot to us, you're the reason why we're proud and happy." mom said.

"You both are right..but my company--"

"Don't worry about them- we'll take care of that." Dad told her and stroked her cheek softly.

Y/N smiled and hugged her parents.

"Thank you..thank you both so much..You are the best..I love you both SO much!"

"We love you too Y/N." They both said at the same time.

"But..could I stay here for 2 or 3 days? I need to rest for a bit and I wanna talk to you both because I missed you."

"Of course you can, you're always welcomed here.''

Y/N smiled and went upstairs to her old room, she sat down on the bed. "Everything is still here..wow...this brings so many memories."

She looked around her room, many posters around, pictures, albums and many more things reminding her of her childhood.

She laid down on the bed and closed her eyes slowly enjoying the peace, she ended up falling asleep.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading and voting!! I love you so much! I'm so happy for 24K and for my story being #617 in Fanfiction! Thank you so much! Saranghae peeps <3

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