Soulmate Au: Y! | Pink Cloud |

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Genre: Soulmate AU, Fluff, & Romance

Time tells when someone finds their soulmate, Y/N doubts the system that has never failed. However, beliefs can change and manage to come out to a fantastic outcome.

Warning(s): mild bullying, light cussing


   A hour and twelve minutes to go. It had been your seventh year at Hogwarts. You were waiting to find your soulmate. A wizard had discovered, technically invented a spell to find your soulmate. You have heard people actually finding their soulmates and having a happily ever after. Which you think it's all a false lie.

"How long?" Your friend, Axel, asked you. "One hour and ten minutes." You sigh. "Don't worry you'll find him. Who doesn't like a smart, pretty, and badass, Ravenclaw!" Axel empathized, Axel was happy, he had already found his soulmate a pretty Hufflepuff with amber eyes. The girl was a good friend to you, supporting you and staying by you all through your years.

"I've heard James Potter has already found his soulmate!" Axel told you. "Who?" You asked interested in these saying passing around Hogwarts.
"Lily Evans." Axel said. "Wow, he scored lucky." You chirped.

"He did. I'm lucky that I got Classidy!" Axel exclaimed. "Well I'm going to be relaxing here. It's the weekend, what should I fuss about. No school!" Axel closed his eyes. "Yep." You muttered.

Fifty-nine minutes. You've also heard that when you find your soulmate, their will be a pink colored cloud around the two of you. You wavered between reading or sleeping. You didn't want to sleep due to the possibility of missing out on who your soulmate is. You read your potions book, forgetting about the timer.

{Snape's Pov}

It was official. Lily and Potter are soulmates. I was hoping it would have been Lily to be my soulmate. I've lost all hope. "Soldales pendulum!" I casted, forty-seven minutes left till I find my soulmate.

I've never thought that I would find a soulmate, honestly. No one would like a greasy haired boy like me. No one.

I looked around to see a girl in a far distance reading... something. Snape couldn't figure it out but, he had guessed her soulmate was right beside her. I opened my potions book and began to read. I checked the timer one more time. Thirty-nine minutes. I puffed, almost there. I talked to myself.
I read as my mind was concentrated on the timer.

{Your Pov}

I closed my potions book as I was close to the end. "Oh my gosh!" I whisper/shouted. I casted the spell silently because Axel was asleep. "Twenty minutes." I talked to myself. I was going to find my soulmate in a matter of twenty minutes. I tried to control my breathing as I kept reading to sooth down. I then gazed at the grass, at the calm green color.

"I hope he's a good person." I said. I stood up, there was only a few people outside. Any boy could be my soulmate.
This is all rubbish, isn't it?

"Fifteen." I mumble. "Waiting for your soulmate." Axel scares you. "Axel! You scared me!" I yell. "Sorry." Axel yawns.

"Axel there's five more minutes. I'm scared." You worry, you've been thinking that this maybe is not rubbish after all.
Maybe. Or it's just a lie, that you'll never find your soulmate. "Hey look what we have here!" I hear a voice shout. It was Potter and his gang. The Marauders?

They were bullying the same poor boy, like they always do. I contemplated on whether to go help or let it happen. I felt bad for letting it be but I only had four minutes till I found my soulmate.

I stood up and walked over there with my wand in hand. "Leave him alone!" I defended the boy, Potter and the others snicker. "I'm trying to find my soulmate but instead I'm wasting it on you idiots. Who can't leave this innocent boy alone." You argue. "I bet I'm your soulmate, beautiful." A boy with black hair smirked.

"You get your soulmate in three years, Sirius." His friend told him. "Too bad. You look beautiful, darling." Sirius said.

"Just leave." I groan. "Hey Snivellius, don't eye her. She's not your soulmate. She's way off your level, grease head." Potter laughed. "That's not his name." I said, I walked over to the silent boy and put my hand out for him to grab.

He reaches for my hand as a pink cloud, starts surrounding me. I pull him up and stare at his onyx eyes. Was it really him? I wasn't complaining but, it was actually not rubbish; I found my soulmate.
Potter and his friends stare at amazement. "Snivellius actually got a girl." Potter said. "A hot one." Sirius muttered.

"Go away!" I command, they all run away staring back. "There's something wrong with the-" Snape couldn't figure out what to say. "I'm not sure. Either." I breath. Maybe this was just rubbish.

{No one's Pov}

~12 years later~

"Please dad!" "No Serena." Severus responded, Serena groaned. "And its father." Severus' monotone voice played in, Serena nodded her head and trotted out, plead in her face for her mother to convince her father.

"Relax, love. She's going to be alright, you've disciplined her well. This time I won't let her go for your benefit." You told Severus. He sighed, "She's only twelve." "I know, she's going to be a third year; next year. Your the best father you could be. But really Severus; let the girl call you dad. She loves you and I do too." You explain, pecking his lips.

"I'm glad, she's as beautiful as you." Severus blurted. "I'm glad that she has a strong driven heart like yours. She actually resembles you more." You grinned. "Go talk to her." You convinced him. He stood up and walked over to her room. You cleaned out a box and organized it. You came across a birth certificate.

Serena Astrid Snape
DoB: January 8th, 1980
Birth Mother: Y/N Snape
Biological Father: Severus Tobias Snape

You remembered the day Serena was born. Oh Severus was filled with joy staring at her tiny form and features, her tufts of soft black hair. Serena would stop crying once Severus held her. It made your heart melt.

You put the certificate somewhere safe. You checked the time, seeing it had been a while. You tip toed over to Serena's room to encounter Severus and Serena silently asleep as they both breathed softly. You smiled at the sight and grabbed a blanket putting it over them. "Goodnight." You whisper.

Your glad that timer wasn't rubbish.

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