| I'm Not Joking |

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Genre: Fluff

Y/N wants to surprise Fred on his birthday, but it happens to be April Fools Day. So, when Y/N surprises him, Fred Weasley doesn't believe it. So it takes Y/N to really convince him that she's telling the truth.

Warning(s): cuteness, naughty Fred


  It has only been one year since Fred and I got married. I had dated Fred since our third year at Hogwarts and he became on of the most important men in my life. I love him, I truly do, so when he proposed to me during graduation I was livid in a jolly way. I wanted that day to come where we would grow old, and that's the path that seemed to happen to me. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world and I didn't care if Fred wasn't wealthy, numbers of wealth didn't matter to me. As long as we could be happily together. I wouldn't care.

"Wake up. Hey, Fred. Frederick Weasley wake up." I mess with his hair softly. "Hmm, good morning, gorgeous." Fred muttered. "You have a big day ahead of you. It's your birthday." I peck his forehead. "I love your kisses." Fred held onto my body so I wouldn't leave. "And I love you, Fred, but you have to get ready my love." I tell him.

"No." Fred groaned. "Alright then, sleep in birthday boy, but I have things to do." I mention. "No, don't leave." Fred held onto me tighter. "You've been working out?" I smirk, touching his biceps. "All for you, gorgeous." Fred smiled. "I feel honored." I put a hand to my chest in amusement. "But please, Fred, I have a surprise for you that I've been working on for a while." I say. "OK." Fred pouted, letting me go. "I love you. Happy birthday." I said, kissing his soft lips.

I then walk away into the kitchen and take out a small one layer cake and let it rest to warm out so I can add more frosting.

I wait for the cake to come to room temperature, meanwhile I stand still thinking about the ways this day could possibly be ruined. "He won't take it as a joke." I say under my breath. "Oh gosh, he can. This is such a day, he won't believe my promotion." I say. "I can't worry right now. I have better things to do." I walk around and fix the house up. His family won't be coming over till the next day, since George is sadly busy so there would be a party on April the second for the both of them.

This would be the day to tell him all about my promotion. So this day couldn't possibly be ruined.

"What are you thinking about, gorgeous? Oh, you made a cake, thank you." Fred asked me. "Uh, nothing." I reply. "Oh come on, I know Y/N Weasley has something up her sleeve." Fred comes behind me and places his hands on my hips. "Not now, Fred." I turn around to a pouting Fred. "I'm sorry. It's just you'll have to wait to see what's up my sleeve." I look him in his eyes. "I don't like this. I have to wait to see my surprise." Fred moaned.

"That's how it works, Weasley." I smile in mischief. "Don't go to last name bias on me, Weasley, I however like when I say your new last name." Fred started to kiss up my neck. "Calm your toots, Weasley." I said. "Moan for me." Fred asks me to do. "Leave me alone, Weasley!" I order him to do. "It's working and you know that, Frederick, but I'm almost down with everything and you can have your surprise in a while if you let me finish." I start warming up the frosting with my hands.

"Since I love you, alright." Fred let me finish what I was doing. "Meanwhile, take a shower. Also, I don't care if you are still in pajamas, but I like to see my Fred in a towel." I smirk at him. He winks at me and starts walking back to our bedroom.

I hear the water in our bathroom turn on. While, I start decorating the cake and making the last final touches. I start to think of my promotion. He would be so ecstatic of it. I smile to myself and then grab a thin frosting pipe and spell, "happy birthday Fred". I then place the cake on the table and accio some silverware. I smile at what I've done and then grab my present bag to give to Fred. I place it under the table out of his view. I then walk back to our bedroom and sit on our bed.

I hear the water turn off and after a minute a wet Weasley walks out with a towel showing his toned body. I smile at him and he smiles back. "Get dressed comfortably. So, we can have cake!" I grin. "Can't wait." Fred tells me. I then shut our bedroom door and sit down on the chair where the present is and patiently wait for Fred.

"That cake looks amazing, gorgeous. Thank you so much." Fred says, walking in and sitting down in front of me. I smile at him, "Before we do. Let me give you your surprise."

I hand him the present bag, "You can start to open it, but I need to tell you of my promotion-, our promotion. Instead of being husband and wife, we will now be mother and father." I tell him. Fred looks up at you as he already opened him present seeing baby clothes.

"No way. Are you pranking me?" Fred replies.

My smile falters. "Why would I lie?" I say.

"It's April first." Fred answers. "I knew this would happen, Fred believe me, I am telling the truth." I whimper.

I stand up out of my chair and walk into the bedroom. I grab my wand and walk back to Fred. I then cast, "praegnatus decerno!" The wand pointed at my belly. A white wisp trails around my belly as a mean for purity and protection. "That means that I am, Fred. You are going to be a father. I-I just thought you would be more excited." I began to cry.

I close my eyes and turn around. I felt Fred pick me up and spin me around. "I'm sorry I doubted you, gorgeous. I can't believe the most beautifulest woman in the world is going to have my child!" Fred kisses my cheek and holds me close. "I love you. I always have. Now, we are going to be parents and I'm sure the very best too." Fred exaggerates, putting his hand on top of my belly. "In awhile you would feel it kick for now it's just the size of raspberry." I tell Fred.

"I can't wait to tell my family and yours. This is thus far the best present I've ever received. Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." Fred told me.

"So, we should began to decide names. How about if it's a boy we should name it Fred." Fred suggested. "Oh, no, not in a million years, Weasley." I refuse.

"Well, how about-,"

"First, we need to know what the gender is Weasley. For now, we enjoy our time together, because once our child is born, us time is gone. How about what you wanted earlier?" I bite my bottom lip.

Fred places his hands on my hips, "Oh I wouldn't skip that offer."

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