| Felt | *

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Genre: Fluff & Smut

Y/N likes Remus, but doesn't know how to come close to him. Some events along the way may just help her-, and him.

Warning(s): smut, fluffy, pantie exposure


Y/N tapped her foot impatiently, waiting to go to her next class. Y/N grew fond of her 'Defense Against the Dark Arts' teacher. They've chatted a few times an have acknowledged a few facts about each other but it was never intimate. Y/N thought it was wrong and at some time mentally gagged about it. Her eighteen year old self felt the need to stand up to her feelings.

"You are all excused." Y/N's teacher proposed as Y/N calmly walked out of the class. "Boo!"

"Ah! Holy- oh my gosh, Josh!" Y/N yelled as her friend hugged her. "Loser." Josh joked around, Y/N punched his arm; "Ouch!" Josh whimpered. "Weakling."
Y/N smirked. "Last class!" Josh exhaled. "Sadly." You frowned, "You are one crazy lady, Y/N. If I were you, I'd be dipping out of this last class in no time." Josh said. "Wait. Hold up..." Josh stood in front of you. "Oh!" Josh eyes filled with knowledge and realization. "You fancy the professor! In a appropriate way, am I correct?" Josh asked, you let out a 'yes'. "Knew it!" Josh gleamed.

You thought about it, thinking that you had lied to Josh and yourself. You liked the professor inappropriately. You felt a slight moisture build around your core. 'I can't. No, please not now.' You thought. You and Josh has entered the classroom. Catching Remus Lupin's eyes staring intently right at you.

Remus coughed taking his eyes off you.

"Alright, today we'll learn about defense spells." Remus smiled, Y/N grinned back; Remus caught the grin and his smile grew wider only to tear his eyes away. 

"Pair up with a partner of your choice, and I'll explain once you've all have paired up." Remus keeps a straight face trying to act in a serious manner.

"I'm back!" Josh squeals in a high pitched tone making Y/N giggle, the giggle that made Remus fall into like a trap as the palliative, heavenly tone swept through his ears. Remus caught himself looking at Y/N once more. Her quill had fallen out of her reach farther as it simply floated off. A group of boys snickered at Y/N and lightly chuckled.

Y/N walked over to redeem her quill, bending down to grab it. Only to stop, when she heard whistles and laughs. Remus located the laughing stock to find out it was Y/N with her skirt flipped over; so all you see is her laced panties. Y/N stood up and adjusted her skirt. Her cheeks turned a hue of strawberry pink.

Josh looked another direction, while Y/N swiped her quill up into her reach, adjusted her skirt, and ran over to Josh. Josh sent glares to the group of boys, who were desperate. Remus coughed feeling a growth in his pants. Remus was alarmed, yet clueless of what to do. Remus was to like Y/N, his cheeks were pigmented cherry red. "Silence, please." Remus coughed. Everyone became quiet; waiting for their lesson.

"I'm going to list out a list of spells and the defending spells." Remus stood up and wrote out all the spells trying best to hide the growth in his pants. Once, Remus was done, he explained the next step. Partners got into their position and pointed their wand at each other. "Partners on the right will attack their partner and partners on the left will be defending themselves. These won't cause excruciating pain." Remus smiles.

Spells flew around the room as Remus studied all his students giving tips to do better. The lump in his pants had disappeared and went back to an original state. "Y/N!" A male's voice shouted. Students stood still and quiet as Remus ran over to Josh and Y/N.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. Please wake up." Josh carried Y/N with a few tears in his eyes. Remus got Y/N out of Josh's grip, "Class is dismissed." Remus said carrying Y/N to the infirmary. On the way there Remus stared at Y/N. Her eyes closed and her plump, raspberry lips stood out to Remus. "Oh my, what happened?" Madam Pomfrey asked Remus. "A student had been stunned by a spell." Remus explains. Madam Pomfrey takes care of Remus as he walks off into his classroom.

Feeling guilty.


Y/N has been excused after making a quick recovery. She had meet with Josh to tell her apologizes and what had happened. "Professor Lupin took you to the infirmary... and I'm really sorry, Y/N." Josh whimpered. "It's alright. An honest mistake." Y/N slightly smiles. "I'm sorry, I have to go and thank professor Lupin. Bye, Josh." Y/N excused herself and went to Remus' classroom.

*Knock, knock*

Y/N knocked on his door, "Come inside." Remus yelled out. Y/N went in and walked to his desk. "Hello, professor." Y/N greeted. Remus met Y/N's eyes, "I came here to thank you." Y/N smiled the same grin that they shared before she was stunned. "Your welcome. There is no need for thanking me." Remus told her.

Y/N looked at him and bit her lip. The urge was getting to her. She rushed her face to his; kissing him, while she cupped his face.

Their lips intertwined a mix of chocolate and raspberry. Her soft, gentle hands cupping his harsh, rough face. It felt right to Y/N and Remus. Y/N being shoved down to the desk felt right. Their tongues intertwining felt glorious. Their hips making a rhythm felt like heaven. The smell of her her hair and how her giggle felt daunting to Remus.

How they made love felt right to both of them.

Y/N unclothed along with Remus as his hips crashed into her. Y/N moaning his name like a prayer felt like music to Remus's ears. How Y/N's kisses felt like love letters. Remus' groans sounded like lullabies.

Remus pounded into Y/N feeling the need to spill all his emotions right now. 

"Faster", was all she needed to say for him to keep going; for him to obey and strive for her. "I'm going to cum." Y/N moaned, Remus groaned pushing himself deeper into her.

"Ah." Y/N gasped into a silent scream as pleasure washes over her. Remus snaps his hips deep into her, letting his white ecstasy seep deep into her.

"I love you." Y/N whispered.

How they loved each other felt beautiful.

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