| Milkshakes and Duels |

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Genre: Fluff

Requested by: XSoieaX

Request Prompt:
Y/n has dated Harry Potter and Fred in the past, but when word gets out that she's been dating Draco, a huge duel breaks out because Fred and Harry make a plan to "show y/n who's best for her".

Warning(s): duel, jealousy, heartbreak, makeout session


  "I'm sorry, Fred." You told the ginger boy in front of you. "I'm breaking up with you." You look down. "Why?" Fred's voice cracked up. "You are going to graduate in a year. It's two years that you are going not to be with me. As well, I haven't felt anything for you. I didn't think you felt anything for me. You always talk to other girl, I felt like a side piece. So, I thought maybe you weren't the one for me." You told Fred. "I don't want to hurt you." You say, regaining tears yourself. "I truly liked you, Fred." You ended off, before leaving Fred.

You rubbed the tears from your eyes away, making your way to the H/H Common Room. You walked through and headed to your dorm laying down on your bed face down still crying your feelings away. Why couldn't a guy actually show interest in you.


  Why did you think, Harry Potter would be different. He's the boy who lived and you would think he had the time for you. You however didn't imagine he would cheat on you. "Are you kidding me?!" You cry. You saw Harry and Cho kiss in front of your E/C eyes. "How dare you! I'm done with you, Harry! You don't give me much attention and I understand that you have been doing things, but all the time! If you don't have time don't date me! But not just that, you never liked me and you cheated on me!" You yelled.

"Y/N, no its not that." Harry responded.

You were in tears, when you just thought you were actually beautiful everything crashed and burn. "Leave. Leave me alone." You said to Harry, yet he stood still and stunned. "I said leave!" You sobbed. You threw a book at him and he scurried away. He didn't even apologize which hurt you even more. He didn't have an excuse. It's pained you to even know his name, he had damaged you far more than anyone else.

You heading out the dorm to grab a book from the library to distract you from anything else. You decide to stay at the library as it was almost empty. You sniffled quietly, "Accio tissue." You whisper. A sheet of tissue comes into your hand. You blow your nose and place the used tissue on the table, "Evanesco." The tissue disappeared into thin air. You continued to read the book, tears still slowly flowing down your cheeks.

"Why couldn't a guy actually show interest in me." You softly choke out. "Maybe it's because they don't truly see the full beauty of you." a male's voice spoke.

Your peripheral vision saw a figure sit down in front of you. You looked up to him and saw his green and silver tie. "Hello." the platinum blonde haired boy smiled at you. "Hello." You reply, wiping the tears from your eyes away. "I'm Draco Malfoy, and you?" Draco introduced himself. "Y/N L/N." you say.

"Why so sorrow?" Draco interrogates. "Guys. Well, my ex, caught him cheating with another girl." You tell Draco. "That's horrible, you know what can make anyone's day better?" Draco asks you. "I'm not sure." You answer. "Milkshakes and talking to someone." Draco smiles, all giddy. "Come on, it's on me." Draco stands up and puts his hand out for you to grab. You gaze up at Draco and then back at his pale hand, you bite your bottom pink lip and smiled grabbing his hand.

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