Enemy Soulmate AU: | Cursed Endearment | I

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Genre: Enemy Soulmate AU

Where a green light helps one find their enemy not soulmate. This twisted fate lands upon Y/N and Draco, but the outcomes are inevitable.

Warning(s): name calling, some mild bullying


  You looked down at the vivid, green light that blinked brightly on your wrist. Numbers slowly appeared. Numbers that you didn't know accompanied the flickering light. Curiosity began to seep through your head filling it with imagination. You hadn't expected to get your "soulmate" timer on your first year at Hogwarts.


Y/N sat down at a compartment, setting her stuff down. Her eyes glued onto the timer, not prying them off as they started to sting due to the extensive opening period of her eyes. Y/N just blinked once and made the pain simmer. "Anything from the trolley, dear." The elder lady interrupts her thoughts. Y/N's eyes flash to the lady's then to the trolley feeling her stomach growl; so suddenly. "Two chocolate frogs, a chocolate cauldron, and jelly slugs." Y/N said, pulling out her sack of gallons and sickles and sorts. Paying the lady as she rapidly unwraps the jelly slugs, and starts munching away.

While, Draco walks through the train searching for a compartment. As the vexatious, green light causes nuisance. Draco has been scrutinizing this luminosity in plastered onto his wrist. Trying to figure it out on his own, he's asked his mother, but she refuses to give a reply.


"Mother, what is this green light?" Draco asks, Narcissa lightly gasps. "It's something, Draco. Aren't you supposed to be on your broom outside?" Narcissa smoothly switched the topic, Draco seems struck as he rushes out and starts to enjoy his childhood.

Narcissa couldn't tell Draco as she thought it was best he found out on his own what it was. Narcissa was fond on her research to figure more on her own. As, she, Narcissa only had a timer plastered on her arm, no light. The timer solely was meant to find your soulmate. Narcissa has heard that the green light is meant for you to find your enemy. 'Who would want that?!', Narcissa thought. Narcissa was still oddly curious, to why this was plastered on her son's arm and who was his enemy.

From there on, Narcissa kept quiet of the true meaning of the skeptical light.

|Retrospect End|

Y/N finished a few of her sweets, saving the rest for later. Y/N patiently stared at the window, breathing in at a steady pace. Looking back at the little clock that flashed, 1:05:07, Y/N sighed; boredom covering her like a blanket.

"Hey, I heard that Potter is on the train, can't you believe that!" You heard a rather young voice, ring through your ears. Y/N's ears caught the conversation as she was eavesdropping. The voice seem to have disappeared; replaced with footsteps. Y/N's eyes widened as she sat calmly and flattened her uniform out, scooting towards the window beginning to look out the window, as if she hadn't been eavesdropping.

Y/N had the temptation to look out of the compartment. Making her eyes focus at the beautiful view out of the window.
"Someone's in this compartment, let's go." The voice was so close it made Y/N nervous. The voice had a harsh, yet oddly sweet tone like a trance that Y/N fell into. Y/N looked out the compartment like a person who has a hyperactive curiosity would. Only to be late, her eyes were way too late, missing the look of the boy by a millisecond.



Y/N sighed, getting the last chocolate frog that she had. Y/N munched away, there had been two boys that entered the compartment and sat down, talking. Y/N didn't mind them, but each second they talked it got louder to the point that Y/N was annoyed. "May you please tone down your voice?" Y/N asked, politely.

"OK, doll." One of the boy's winked at her. Y/N rolled her eyes, and went back to munching the frog. "Ten out of ten, would shag that." Y/N heard the, desperate boys say. "She is hot. Hey, doll, what's your name?" Y/N ignored the question, thinking it was not for her. "You!" The boy poked her. Y/N turned to them and gave them a disgusted look. 'They meant me.' Y/N mentally gagged. "Yes." Y/N huffed. "What's your name?" The boy said. "Velvet." Y/N lied. "Well, Velvet. I'm Eric and this is Parker." The boys smirked.

"Got a boyfriend, Velvet?" Parker asked. "Yes, now get out you desperate bastards." Y/N lied, once more. "Damn, harsh." Eric stood up with Parker and they both left. "Thank, god." Y/N breathed. "Ugh." Y/N groaned.



The train stopped as you walked out. Staring at the grand, exquisite castle, Hogwarts. Your mouth ajar as you took it all in. "First yers' over here!" A giant, tall man shouted. You walked over and made it onto a boat with a frizzy haired girl. "Hello." You made the first impression. "Hello, my name is Hermione Granger, yours?" She stuck her hand out, you grabbed it and shook it replying, "Nice to meet you, Hermione. I'm Y/N Asatourian." "Asatourian! Your family is superior. Your father is very daring. Enough to break his strict pure-blood bloodline!" Hermione gasped, you chuckled. "Yes, that's why he was a Gryffindor. He wedded my muggleborn mother, who went to Ilvermorny." You told her, she looked at you with awe.

"That's amazing." Hermione told you.
"Thank you." You said. "We're here." Hermione said. You looked up and saw Hogwarts right before you. You followed Hermione as you all entered the building.

"The firs' yers, professor Mcgonagall." "Thank you, Hagrid." The very stern lady with glasses said. You walked into the great hall. Needless to say there were a lot of people staring at the first years.


Your eyes widen. Now, is not the perfect time. "So is it true, Harry Potter is here at Hogwarts." The pale blonde haired boy staggered. You heard whispers, yet you yourself was clueless to what was happening. "I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy." The boy said, a redhead snickered and Draco stared right at him with striking glares. "What you laughing at? Hand me down robes, red hair, you must be a Weasley." Draco laughed. Y/N was angered, "Hey leave him alone, blondie." Y/N sneered. "And who might you be? Telling me what to do." Draco retorted.

"Well I'm a person, if you didn't know. Also I just told you to leave him alone and that's not so hard, you little baby." Y/N lashed out, everyone was holding in laughter.

*Tick, tick, tick*

They stood sending glares to each other as the timer broke free. Y/N realized this couldn't be her soulmate. Hermione heard the ticking and knew what had happened. Meanwhile, Draco stared at her and came to mind that he'll have another enemy on his list...

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