| Accidental Confessions | ⚢

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Genre: Fluff & Mild Angst

Requested by vickie_c

Request Prompt:
Hermione and Reader end up arguing at the Yule Ball, because Krum asked her out. Leading to confessions of their feelings towards each other.

| Thank you for requesting. |

Warning(s): arguing


   You didn't pay attention to what was really happening around you. Yes, the Yule Ball is set in preparation for Triwizarding Tournament, you just didn't really care. It wasn't that it bore you it's just that you never really have the courage to speak to someone let alone ask someone out, especially if it's Hermione Jean Granger. She is defiantly, the know-it-all, but she's also been the best friend you could ever wish for.

You really didn't have the nerve to ask her out. So you just gave up.

"What are you thinking of?" Elliot, a Hufflepuff friend of yours that is stuck in a situation as well. "Granger." You mumbled. "Oh, her." Elliot said in awe. "You?" You looked at him. "Whether if I should ask Micheal or Isabel to the Yule Ball. I have feeling for both of them, it's just so hard to choose." Elliot whined.

"Easy for you. All you have to do is pick and you already have the courage to ask them." You groaned.

"I know that there is some courage in you to ask her out to the Yule Ball. I would do it quickly as well some boys and girls have eyes on her." Elliot stared at Viktor Krum, he had his eyes set on Hermione since he got here.

"Argh. I just can't! You know I can't Elliot!" You yell softly.

"Well, I don't know what to tell you, but I'm not going to help you out on this one. You need to find your courage." Elliot rubbed your back.

"Thanks Elliot." You mumbled.

"No problem." Elliot smiles, you roll your eyes and laugh.

"Hey Granger!" Elliot calls out.

"Elliot!" You yell at him.

"Hello, Greens!" Hermione grinned at Elliot. She started walking towards you two. You mentally face palmed, this couldn't be happening to you. You  certainly were going to get revenge back on Elliot. "Nice to see you two. Hi, L/N." Hermione blushed a light pink along with you.

"Hello Hermione." You mumbled.

"You going to the Yule Ball, Y/N?" Hermione asked you. Elliot nudged your side, making you hiss in pain. You glared at Elliot, looking back at Hermione, "I'm not sure, maybe." You tell her. "Well I hope you do, it's going to be fun." Hermione implied. "Oh yeah. I'll see, I know it's a once in a lifetime opportunity that I certainly wouldn't want to miss." You fiddled with your hands.

"I hope I'll see you there, bye Greens, Y/N." Hermione bid a farewell, walking away to Harry and Ron.

"You had the chance to ask her to the Yule Ball what's wrong with you?!" Elliot growled at you. "I'm sorry. Oh hey look it's Micheal!" You told Elliot. "You wouldn't." Elliot warned you. "Or would I?" You smirked. "Don't you da-,"

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