| The Slytherin Girl In The Hood | I |

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Genre: Romance

Y/N is a girl who has a past which causes her to wear a hood to cover her insecurities.

| I know this is sloppy. I'll come back and fix
it. |

Warning(s): bullying


  "Just one copy please." You say to the lady that was handing you the book. "Thank you." You said, leaving. The lady didn't really see your hooded face. You weren't seen as a menace at all though to her. The lady always seen you here and didn't suspect you of anything since you always paid.

You wore a hood for a reason. A reason which would be later explained.

For one you were a transfer student from Fiji. You were not born in Fiji, but raised for most of your childhood till a few months ago. Which your parents had to move due to their jobs. So you moved and so did you have to exchange schools and went to Hogwarts instead. A new start for you at least it was your third year and your first time at Hogwarts. You got your supplies and headed back home taking off your hood. "Hello, Y/N. Want to eat?" Your mother asked you.

"Sure. Just let me drop this off." You reply, heading toward your room. You opened your bedroom and door and dropped off your items before heading to the kitchen. Your mom placed a bowl of noodles in front of you. You took a fork and swirled it around in the noodle soup. Lifting it up and eating the noodles. "The noodle are fantastic as always, mom." You complemented. "Thank you, sweetie." Your mom said. You finished your soup and headed upstairs to finish your nightly routine.

You washed your hair and shaved your body where necessary. You watched your face and brushed your teeth. Your silk pajamas going over your body. You were preparing for bed, you heard the doorbell ring. You ran downstairs suspecting it was your father. You saw your mother to open the door to see your dad kiss her cheek and enter the house. You ran up to him and hugged him. "I thought you'd be at work for the next three months." You smile. "Well I couldn't miss the day my little girl would go to school tomorrow, now go on and sleep you need all the energy you could have." Your father told you. Your smile faltered as you now recalled that your first day at Hogwarts was tomorrow.

"Will do." You place a sloppy grin. "Goodnight." You dismiss yourself heading to your bedroom. You laid down in your bed and turned off the lights with your wand. You shuddered at thoughts about the school year flashing through your head.

You then went to sleep with discomfort.



"Oh god she's hideous!" a girl yelled at your face. Your eyes threatened to spill tears. "You don't belong here at Grey Mountain Academy. You belong in the trash. You ugly thing!" A boy laughed at you. You curled up and cried you were so young only in your first year at Fiji's private magic academy and you got picked on. You were called hideous by many of the people in the same year as you.

You stood up and ran away bumping into a few other girls.

"Ew! Hide your face! It's disgusting my eyes are bleeding!" A anonymous voice said. You pushed through and went to the restroom.

"Ready for clean up time, L/N. You see this wouldn't happen if you just hide yourself." An old bulky of yours announced. "Put her into the toilet." Your perpetrator cackled.


"No!" You shouted, waking up in a mess of sweat and tears. Your mom didn't Hearn do you sighed. You checked the time and it was five minutes before the time you usually wake up at. You stood up out of bed and headed towards the restroom and brushed your teeth. You put on your designate uniform and let your hair straight/curled. You grabbed your trunk and placed more essentials in there before closing it off.

You grabbed your wand and Hogwarts hood which you had the good created larger to cover your face. Then, you headed downstairs with your trunk. You served yourself eggs with toast and ate waiting for your mom and dad to wake up.

"Good morning, sweetie." Your mom yawned.

"Morning, mom." You finish your breakfast and head to the living room and sit down with a book in your non-dominant hand. You passed time by reading not bothering with anything else till your dad spoke up, "Ready, Y/N." Your dad said, enthusiastically. "Yep." You lied, not wanting to go wanting to stay home and do chores rather than go to school.

"Lets go. M/N!" Your dad called out.

You headed towards the family car and placed your stuff in their. You then buckled up and stared out the window hoping for this to be a nightmare.


It was a nightmare. A real nightmare for you at least. You exited the car and started walking towards King Cross Station. "Platform 9 3/4. Unique. Here's your ticket, darling." Your mom handed you a white and golden colored ticket. "We can't just ask anyone where it is." Your father whispered. "What about them?" You saw dragging a cart full of your stuff, staring at a huge ginger family one of them having books in their arms. You read the title of some of the books that matched the title of yours.

You then ran to them as fast as you could with your cart. Um, excuse me, you know where platform 9 3/4 is?" You say out of breathe not caring if you looked crazy. "Yes, I do. Come on follow me." The ginger lady said with a caring smile. Your parents came along behind you. "Mom, dad, she knows where platform 9 3/4 is." You told them. Your dad began to say, "Well, that's a miracle. I thought we'd never find it. I'm F/N L/N and this is my wife, M/N L/N. It's a pleasure to meet you-,"

"Molly Weasley. You working at the ministry now? My husband has said many great things about you two." Molly answered. "Yes, it's a pleasure to be here. Thank you for helping us, Mrs. Weasley." Your mother said. "Well, come on now can't be late." Molly announced you went along side as whom you presumed were Molly's children. Your hood was over your head by now trying to conceal your face.

It happened to be that you were by a girl.

"Hello, I'm Ginny Weasley. You are?" The young girl introduced herself. "Y/N L/N." You answered.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N." Ginny said. "Nice to meet you too, Ginny." You smiled. No one saw, but you felt somewhat open for once. "Those are my brothers, George, Fred, and Ron. Beside them is Harry." You then look over to see a boy you haven't seen before. He was quite attractive and sweet looking. The Weasley family and Harry looked at you.

"Hello." You say.

"Hello, love." George and Fred say in unison.

"Hi." Ron follows along. You then glance at Harry a bit not trying to let him see your face. "Ello." Harry replied to your greeting. You blushed then looked down.

"Might I ask why do you have the hood over your head?" Ron questioned, only to be scolded by Ginny. "Uhm, because I'm not exactly the prettiest." You respond. "Now that can't be true, beauty." Fred flirted although you couldn't tell the twins apart. "It is." You whisper to yourself. "Come on. Show yourself." George seemed to be controlling your mind. Your hands began to drift towards your hood.

You cautiously began to take it off. Only for it to slip off your reach. Now you couldn't change your decision.

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