| His Desolation. |

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Genre: Romance & Angst

Requested by: @norellx

Request Prompt:
A lonely, sixth year Slytherin girl who is invisible to most, but keeps her eyes open and acknowledges the world around her. She realizes that Draco is not at the Slytherin table where he brags loudly. She then goes out on the search for him and comes upon a predicament.

Warning(s): pain, sadness, blood, battle scene


"Cause you shouldn't suffer." Y/N cried.


You gasped for air, your baby hairs sticking to your forehead. You panted heavily, recovering from your vision. You check the time seeing it was Saturday, you groaned and tried to go back to sleep, however when you closed your eyes you saw blood. You laid in bed with your eyes partially open, but soon after you gave up and put on your glasses; starting to get ready for breakfast. You didn't try to look appealing since it didn't matter anyway you were like a ghost, but you felt like doing something to make yourself look-, out of your style.

You straightened/curled your hair and then went on with your day walking to the Dining Hall when breakfast barely starts and you sit down at the edge of the table near the teacher's table. You grabbed some toast and oatmeal and began to eat.

"Quite a shame. Such a beautiful girl and she sits all alone." Profesor Mcgonagall spoke to Trelaweny, the two of them studied you. "She'll be fine. If she goes through the right path." Trelaweny argued. "What do you suggest?" Minevra quirked. "Depends how she takes responses of herself. Depends on who she ends up with." Trelaweny answered. Mcgonagall blinked and just sipped on her tea.

  You stood up and left the Dining Hall, you felt someone stare at you, but you shook it off. You walked out and headed towards the restroom where Myrtle stayed in.

"Myrtle. I'm here." said Y/N.

"Oh, hello Y/N." Myrtle moaned.

"How's the restroom?" Y/N questioned. "Bland. Lonely. Just like me!" Myrtle wailed. "Oh, don't say that Myrtle at least you're not alone being bland and lonely. Besides, we have each other." You say. "It can't be true that you are alone, Y/N. Pretty girls are never alone." Myrtle retorts. "I guess I'm special then." You reply. "Why couldn't I be pretty?! Then I wouldn't be here!" Myrtle sobbed. "I'm here, so we're aren't so different, Myrtle." said Y/N.

"I'm not that special." Y/N muttered then slid down against the wall.


  "You can't do this! Let me explain! Let me fix this!"


  You woke up, your heart beating rapidly. "Why do I keep having these nightmares?" Y/N laid back and took a deep breath afraid to close her eyes. "It's Sunday." Y/N said, looking at the time and changed going to the dining hall.

"Saint Potter. Always saving the day. Psh, at least we can handle ourselves and not embarrass ourselves in front of the girls we like." Draco laughed. You slightly cringed at the statement, but sighed and continued to hear in boredom since there wasn't much to do. "I bet you I can get any girl to swoon, watch." Draco bragged.

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