| Devilish |

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Genre: Mild smut

It's Halloween and the Slytherin rebel decides to dress up and get revenge on someone. What's better than getting the hottest guy in Hogwarts. Tom Riddle.

Warning(s): make out session, swearing, drinking


It's October 31th, 1942. The first holiday to occur at Hogwarts for the beginning of a new school year. Y/N was excited for the trouble she could cause, but her parents have been stricter on her so she would have to do more discreet things. However, the first month when she came back to Hogwart's for her 6th year, she spent it all on planning for the first Halloween party in years for the Slytherin house. Y/N had it all planned out and ready, her and her friends were ecstatic for this start of the new school year.

"Got the drinks?" Avery asked Y/N. "I got your precious soda, Avery." Y/N rolled her eyes. The fifteen year old placed the drinks in a trunk and hid it under Avery's bed. "Save the drinks, Avery or I'll bloody kill you." Y/N ordered him sternly. "Yes, ma'am." Avery smirked. "It's almost time for class. We got to go." You told Avery. "Yeah I'll see you in class go ahead." Avery told you. "Sure." You said, walking out of Avery's dorm. You walked down the stairs to see Abraxes. "Hello, bad boy." You walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "What where you doing with Avery up there?" He winked.

"The soda is here." You told him and he nodded his head. "Hmm, OK, if that's what you say bad girl." He put his right arm around your shoulders and began to walk you to class.

Abraxes and you entered class where Tom Riddle was already seated. You sat down next to Walburga, and Abraxes sat next to Tom. "Hey, Riddle." You whispered trying to get his attention. "Riddle." You whispered again. He was ignoring you to all extent and you got rather annoyed. Abraxes stared back at you and shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, Riddle." You emphasized his name this time, yet he ignored you once again. "I'm gonna bloody murder him. Hey Ri-,"

"Silence! Class begins now!" The professor announced. You sneered at Riddle and pouted. Abraxes faced you and mouthed, "I'll tell him."

"Thank you." You whispered, Abraxes turned back around and focused on his own studies. You glared at the back of Tom's beautiful, curly haired head. You wondered how soft it was and how sensitive he is when tugged at. Then, your eyes trailed to his hands, they looked soft, yet rough. You wondered how his grip on your ass would be like. How his biceps would feel like when you grab onto them tightly. You wondered a lot about Tom Riddle. You never liked him. You had a thing for Abraxas, but you guys were never really close enough.

"Didn't do all the notes, tsk. I'll let you have my notes if I can get to bring a Ravenclaw friend in the party." Walburga told you. You looked up at her finally paying attention to something. "Unless they don't snitch and if I figure out that Ravenclaw friend does snitch you are screwed Walburga." You told her. "Deal." Walburga told you satisfied. "Also, you have to be dressed to enter. Here's a pass for your friend." You say slipping out a plain black ticket with small initials at the corner. "Also name of your friend?" You asked.

"Taylor Terrance." Walburga told you. You wrote down the name on a piece of paper keeping a mental note to put it on the guest list. "Here." She handed you her parchment. "Thanks." You say and tuck the notes away into your bag. "Class is dismissed." The professor said. You quickly stood up and left class.

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