| The Blind Date |

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Genre: Romance

You're interested in older men, so when you can't find anyone to date. Your best friend, Ria, sets you up. However, it gets messy.

Warning(s): anger, rudeness


  You were twenty-one years old and interested in men older than you since guys you're age didn't please you the way older men do. Your best friend, Ria, who was four years older than you told you that she has the perfect person to set you up with and that's what this story begins.

"Is he older than me?" Was your first question.

"He's my age. I know you don't like guys your age or under, trust me, I know you." Ria told you.

"Well, describe him to me, what's his personality?" You ask Ria.

"Well he's mature and handsome. He comes from a-, well he's brought up differently. He's strong minded and gets jealous easily. I wasn't close to him, but we were friends at Hogwarts." Ria said.

"Hmm, have I've seen him, up close and personal or said hi to him?" You question. "Not likely since he was a Slytherin." She tells you. "Oh, a Slytherin? Never been interested in them, but that would make a interesting combination. A Slytherin and a Ravenclaw/Gryffindor/Hufflepuff. Hmm, so when's this date?" You ask. "Tomorrow, at 7:30 pm." Ria says. "But before you go to that date, I need to tell you that he broke up with his girlfriend just three weeks ago. Don't get too attached, Y/N, I'm trying to keep you safe here as well." Ria mentioned.

"Oh, OK. Thank you, Ria." You sigh.

You then left after Riah, locking your apartments door. "Y/N, forgot to ask, what are you doing these next three hours?" Ria asked. "Nothing much. Why?" You quirk an eyebrow, you see Ria smirk. You sigh then smile, "OK, let's go." You say before getting harshly tugged away.

The two of you headed to Designer store and began to look around for a dress. "Do I have to wear a dress?" You say, wanting to go in skinny jeans and a nice blouse.

"Believe me, you need to wear a dress, it's a beautiful, three Michelin star restaurant." Riah scolded you for wanting to put no effort. "Alright." You sigh and begin trying on dresses. "What about this one?" You say, coming out with a bright hot pink dress on. "No! Darker colors!" Riah groaned. You walk back into the fitting room and place on a purple/yellow dress, you walk out and see a groaning Ria; face palming. "You know what stay there. I'm gonna find a dress for you." Ria smiles.

You stay in the fitting room for three minutes before Ria ran back to you. She held a dress and placed it in your arms.

"You don't have any altern-," You begin to speak before being interrupted. "Just go and try on the bloody dress." Ria pushed you in the fitting room and closed the door. You put on the black dress that had a loose/tight fit to your body that you enjoyed. You looked at yourself and loved how you looked. "Ria! You are an amazing stylist!" You yell out. Ria smirks, "I know."

You walk out with the dress on and show Ria. Ria claps at her own work as you walk back in and take off the dress ready to purchase the dress. "Hold up, you don't have high heels nor earrings and necklaces. We need to find you some! Come on follow me!" Ria mentions and drags you some place else.

It took awhile to find the perfect shoes and accessories that were within a small budget.

In the end, Ria and you walked to the check out with black three inch high heels, a simple silver necklace, and the black dress that you kept close to yourself at all times.

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