| Confession | *

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Genre: Romance

Y/N has finally built up the courage to ask her crush out, George Weasley, but it all may just end up crashing down.

Warning(s): smut


Just tell him. It may end up two ways, he'll accept or decline. Wait! What if he laughs and then terrorizes me!? No, he will never. At least I don't think so. I close my eyes, it was March thirty-first and I didn't feel like not telling my crush that I like him. "I hate myself." I muttered under my breath.


  "It's almost my birthday, birthday luck exists? Right, Fred?" I asked my twin. "Maybe." Fred shrugged his shoulder. "Why would you ask? Wait, it's because you wanted to ask her out right?" Fred mischievously said. "No," George immediately retorted. "yes." George confessed. "You've been liking her for years now, George. Either way which girl can resist our charm, none! That I know of." Fred muttered at the end. George looked at the time and saw the hour and minute hand meet up at twelve o'clock.

"Happy birthday, Fred." George told his brother.

"Happy birthday, George." Fred replied.


  "Just help me! It's April first and-, you know I'm not good at confidence." I told my dorm mate, Katie Bell, whom smiled goofily at me. "It's for George, right?" Katie grinned. I softly nodded my head up and down and sat down on my bed. "Oh my gosh! It's like playing dress up! Come on let's go to Hogsmeade and get you a dress!" Katie then drags along and out the door.

Katie couldn't be happier than to dress someone up for a big day. She handed you five dresses and you came out with each one. Katie liked one that you absolutely despised.

"What about that dress?" You say it was a sweetheart line, deep red cocktail dress. "Huh, didn't see that one before." Katie grabbed the dress in my size and hands it to me. "Thank you." I say, and shut the curtain to not see me changing. I try on the dress and look in the mirror and smile. "This is the one." I say to myself. I then come out and show Katie, who is clapping, "Perfect!"

"You really think so?" I tell her insecurely. "Yes, he would be awestruck by you." Katie assured me. I breathed and then went back to take off the dress.


"Thank you, Katie." I told her and she responded, "No problem. I was bored and this was something fun to do. Good luck!"

"Thanks." I said as Katie went out of the Gryffindor Common Room. It was only five and a few hours away to the next day. I shivered in fear, but I had to because if I don't I never will. "Hey, Y/N! I've got a letter to give you! It's for the twins mini birthday party." Johnson came in to our dorm and handed me the letter. "Really? For me?" I say flabbergasted. "Yeah, can't wait to see you." Angelina said, before leaving.

"Thank you." I say loudly so she can hear me.


"Hey, Angelina." I walk in with my dress and my hair curled/straightened. "Oh, hey Y/N!" She greeted, she looked beautiful, she wore a dazzling smile that you couldn't compete with. "You look amazing!" Angelina complimented you. "Thank you. Uh, you do too." I smiled at her. "You know where I should put the presents?" I asked her. "Yeah, just at that table over there." Angelina pointed a certain direction. "Thank you." I nod at her.

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