High School AU: | "Can you walk?" "Nope." | *

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Genre: High School AU, smut, & romance

Y/N is a popular Ravenclaw that is Vice President and cheerleader. Friends with notorious bad boy, Draco Malfoy, she grows certain feelings towards Malfoy and is easily jealous when her unholy sister goes at him, but a certain night will change that.

| revised. |

Warning(s): swearing, smut, dirty talk


   You were the middle child, out of the three children in the family. You were a sophomore with a perfect, clean record and to add on a straight a's student, in Hogwarts High. You sister Isarella was a senior in Hogwarts High. Her last year before she's gone, and you won't have to deal with her anymore. You were only two years younger than Isarella, yet she just managed to get under your skin.

You were currently helping around, putting up the decorations for the semester dance. You helped put up events, it was your duty being Vice President.

However, to further explain Hogwarts high in which was an affordable private school. Hogwarts High was divided into four cliques, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.

Hufflepuffs were the kind ones, every clique had a Hufflepuff as a friend. They also were helpful and volunteer. Not all were good since usually they follow their older siblings clique and are automatically in it.

Ravenclaw was were the intelligent 'nerds' were placed, and are usually teachers pets. They know most problems and their answers and always want to answer them. It was your house, so you represented it well. It was a popular house because of you. Since, you were Vice President and a cheerleader taking in your mother's footsteps.

Then, there's is Gryffindor they're the preps. Also there was some jocks, like Harry Potter, the "golden boy". They were also fighters and mostly didn't give a shit about speaking up.

Lastly, there is Slytherin. The badasses of the school, mainly bullies and jocks. They strut the halls like they own the place. Girls usually swoon over them, but mostly for rich boy, Draco Malfoy. You were friends with this boy as he had seemed kind to you. He seemed to flirt with you whenever you two were alone, in which you always ignored. He two, rich boy, was a senior in high school.

   At the moment, students could've entered the setting area to help set up the party or have a chat. You love organizing these events since you put your creativity to it in the end getting positive feedback of how it was. Until, your older sister steps in crumbling your day.

Isarella was a clash between, Isabella and Cinderella, your deceased aunt helped pick out that name and your mom chose it. You, however, called her Sluterella. She is a whore, and always gets what she wants. She was in Draco's clique, Slytherin. Her whorish motive was to get boys and throw them away.

   "Lovespark." a voice called, you were to busy with decorations to pay attention to the person calling for you. "Lovespark!" You jumped and turned around, angry and annoyed, until you realized it was Draco.

"Oh, sorry. I'm really busy, Draco." You say fixing decorations and checking off items. Your parties were amazing as mentioned before, so perfection is key.

"Why you even do this, Lovespark?" Draco said, frustrating you.

"Because it's my responsibility! If you don't mind, Draco, I would like to make this party another fun time for people to have!" You screamed, only loud enough for him and others around to hear.

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