| The Fifth of June |

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Happy (belated) Birthday Draco Lucius Malfoy.


Genre: Romance

Y/N is a poor, Ravenclaw witch who celebrates her birthday on the same day of Draco's birthday. Draco comes across Y/N and remembers her. He comes up with a way to apologize for past actions which leads Draco and Y/N to a better life.

Warning(s): flashbacks, mentions of harassment


You looked up it was June 5th. Your fifteenth birthday, you were still at Hogwarts with a book and a box with a present. The box was filled with three knuts and a hand made scarf. You smiled at the gift. Your family was to say not the wealthiest of wizards and witches. When you got accepted into Hogwarts; they had to provide money for all your supplies. Every birthday consisted of your dad working hard enough to buy a small cake for you with one candle always on the top.

'Dear Y/N,

Happy Birthday, my dearie. Grandma made you the scarf and I hope the money is enough for a small snack. We all love you.

- from everyone at home'

You put the scarf your grandma made, around your neck and decided to leave the Ravenclaw Common Room to go to Hogsmeade. You wore your robes since they it was the warmest thing you had. The only robe you had. You sighed and walked out of the dorm you shared with two other girls. A group of Ravenclaws were laughing, you knew most of them and they knew you, but weren't your friends. No one knew it was your birthday except one person. You were heading to Hogsmeade to meet that person.

You entered Hogsmeade, it was raining white. The artificial snow felt so real. The snow freckled your hair, the coldness made your cheeks and nose a Santa red hue. You went to madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop and entered with a smile.

"Y/N. How are you my sweet!?" Madam Puddifoot asked. You grinned, "I'm fine, thank you." You replied, putting on an apron. "I'm here to help." You told her. "No, no, you aren't. You think I forgot? It's your birthday today!" Puddifoot exclaimed. "And I made you a treat." Madam Puddifoot took out a cupcake with a milkshake. "No, thank you I'm fine I can assure you." You refused her treat.

"Sit down and eat." She ordered. You grinned and sat down slowly munching on the cupcake. Your hands a tad pink and numb due to the immense coldness. Your hair getting wet in certain spots, because of the snow melting at the warm temperature.

Meanwhile, a platinum blonde Malfoy was celebrating his birthday the worst way possible. With Pansy. Pansy dragged him to Madam Puddifoot's for his birthday. Pansy excused herself to the ladies room giving Draco a peck on the cheek. Draco eavesdropped on your conversation with Madam Puddifoot.

"... You think I forgot? It's your birthday today!" Madam Puddifoot exclaimed. Draco saw how you refused her offer of the treats, then your body in a relaxed position eating a cupcake. He studied you more, how you wore your robes instead of a heavy jacket, you weren't even dressed to the correct weather, he saw the scarf that engulfed your neck and recognized that it was handmade since it was made sloppily.

"Happy birthday Y/N." Puddifoot cooed. "Thank you so much." You cried. Tears flowed down your warm cheeks, you coughed and grinned. Madam Puddifoot hugged you over the counter.

Draco didn't foreshadow what was so kind of a woman giving food to you that it'll make you cry.

"My father always worked so hard to just afford a small cake for me, my mom, my grandma, and himself to eat for my birthday. Heh, I wasn't exactly the wealthiest of wizards and witches." You sniffed, "So thank you. Haven't received a proper 'happy birthday' in a long time by anyone else except my family."

Draco then saw a part of your face. Then it hit him. You were her.

During Draco's second year, he had a liking for a young, H/C girl that was in his year. They talked for awhile, having random encounters, sometimes they'll long deep conversation and laughs with each other. That's till Draco was told by her that she was actually a muggleborn witch. Draco being so biased and a believer of blood purity, he spat at her slurs and shoved her off to the side. Then they never talked again.

Draco never really liked anyone then, and was actually heartbroken. Draco went out of the tea shop. Draco decided to ditch Pansy either way.

Draco went to all the shops to find a gift for you. To make up for his horrible words and doings. He went into a jewelry shop, filled with some antiques.

"Hello my boy. What can I get for you?" An elderly man asked. Draco nervously said, "Well what can I get for a girl. A girl's birthday. I've hurt her feelings long ago and-,"

"You like the girl don't yah?" The man chuckled. "Well I've never offered this to anyone, but I'll do this since I don't have any reason not to. This young man was made by a witch, she made this for her husband, sadly they both died together in some accident. It's not cursed, but it is tied to some source of power. It's said to connect the next owner to its lover. Soulmate. Here you go." The man handed Draco the necklace.

Draco payed the man and left the shop. He went back to the tea shop and saw you sucking on the straw of the milkshake. Draco slowly crept up on you. "Y/N." Draco called out, you turned around in surprise. "Hello, who are you?" You questioned. "I'm Draco. The arrogant boy that hurt your feelings in second year. Happy birthday." Draco gave you the necklace.

Your mouth ajar, your mind trying to render what happened.


"You stupid Mudblood I never want you in my sight!" Draco yelled at you. Your eyes watered, "OK." You walked out not looking back, fearing you'll break down in front of him.

|Retrospect End|

"Draco Malfoy." You muttered. "How did he know it was my birthday?" You mumbled. "I was eavesdropping." Draco sheepishly grinned. "Thank you Draco. Happy birthday to you too, I didn't really know it was your birthday till Pansy screeched the whole song out loud." You and Draco laughed.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything." You pouted. "It's alright." Draco said, you looked up into his eyes. You pecked his lips and pulled away slowly. Draco stayed stunned, blinking quickly. He looked down at the necklace and put it over your head pulling your hair out of the way.

"I love you." Draco blurted. It and out of his own mouth and he didn't know what was happening really. "I love you too." You whispered.

"Happy birthday Y/N."

"Happy birthday Draco Malfoy."

Five Years Later

You laid in a hospital bed at Saint Mungos. Exhausted, happy, and proud. It was a long trip and an incident that happened. You and Draco were fairly young and just engaged.

You heard loud cries that echoed, a nurse brought in a small baby wrapped into a baby pink blanket. Draco clutched your hand. He was sweating, nervous after going through so much as you did.

"We did it." You muttered. "We did." Draco sighed. "Here's the little girl." The nurse gave you the baby, that immediately hushed down to low whimpers.

"Happy birthday, Araceli June Malfoy, happy birthday to you." You and Draco cooed in unison.

"Happy birthday Draco."

"Happy birthday Y/N."

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