| Pick Up Lines |

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Genre: Fluff

Requested by vickie_c

Request Prompt:
Tom and the reader have a flirty relationship in which they're not dating. Everyone teases them, till the reader is heading towards asking Tom out.

| I kind of went out of hand with this one. I'm sorry. I hope it's what you wanted if it isn't tell me, please. |

Warning(s): a curse word, sexual pick up lines


Maybe it was the way they talked to each other or how they both gazed into each other's eyes, but no one was clueless to what was happening to Tom Riddle and Y/N L/N. Except Tom and Y/N, ironic, how the most intelligent people could be so clueless of about each other.

"Oh how sweet Riddle you're going soft for me!" You cooed, touching his chocolate brown curls.

"I am not L/N!" Tom hissed, swatting your hand away from his hair.

"Oh look Abraxas!" You run up to Abraxas hugging him tightly.

"Hey N/N." Abraxas hugged you back. "He is going soft on you." He implied.

"What was that Malfoy?" Tom quirked. You stifled a laugh, Abraxas did too.

"Nothing my lord." Abraxas replied. "My lord?" You furrow your eyebrows. Tom stared at you, "Yes, it's my lord." Tom stood up and grabbed your chin. "It's always gonna be my lord from you." He whispered. "Naughty." You wink at him, letting yourself go from his grip. "Shut it L/N." Tom groaned. "Yes, my lord." You fluttered your eyes. Abraxas took your arm, and took you out of the Slytherin Common Room. "You and Riddle have a thing going on, don't you?" Abraxas questioned.

"Nope." You answered.

"You sure? I mean you seem to blush all the time Riddle is around. He stutters a lot as well. You both are defiantly hiding something." Abraxas proposed. "Nope." You kept denying.

"You are defiantly lying, L/N." Avery came in. "I am not!" You huff. "You know Abraxas and I care about you,
Y/N. It's just that Riddle can't love." Avery told you. "What do you mean?" You said, looking at Avery and Abraxas.

"Riddle was conceived under a love potion, because of that he can't feel love. Either way you said you don't love him. Nor like him." Abraxas said. "Yeah you're right." You gloomed.

"It's quite saddening." You brushed back a strand of your hair. "Riddle still needs people that will care for him. He feels other emotions, you may not see them but they're there." Avery told you. "You are the only person Riddle every really bonded close to. We're just his partners." Abraxas pointed out.

"L/N, come along I need you for something!" Tom yelled out. "I'll be there in a moment." You shouted back at Tom. "Farewell Abraxas and Avery." You told the pair. You ran towards Tom, your hair flowing back with your your tie and robes flying back. Tom stared at you, you looked absolutely gorgeous in his eyes. You met all his criteria, it dawned him that you were a close friend of his, it's like he had a chance to get you, but didn't take his own chance.

"Where to Tommy?" You smiled at him. "The Great Hall. It's time for lunch." Tom held a stern face. "Oh you wanted me to accompany you to lunch my lord." You smirked. "Yes." Tom sneered. "Don't do that to me. That face makes me sad, Riddle." You pout.

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