| Beauxbaton's Beauty | I |

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Genre: Romance

You have no interest going to the Yule Ball, but a certain boy may persuade you to going.

Warning(s): abuse


A Goblet of Fire. It was mesmerizing with it colorful glow and loud roars that echoed. A Veela entering her name with pride and elegance representing her school with a name and a baby blue uniform that looked ever so dainty on her. "Fleur Delacour." You say, smiling at your great friend. "It's official. She entered to destine her fate for Beauxbaton." Anaera declared. "Isn't she all grown up! Look at my baby!" Anaera said, teary eyed, wiping her eyes dramatically. "You two are annoying." Fleur said with a rich, thick, French accent.

"Comme tu n'es pas." You comment.
"Like you're not."

"Je ne suis pas!" Fleur scoffed.
"I'm not!"

"Alright." You laugh, at Fleur's defeated state. "Y/N! A boy is heading our way!" Anaera jumped. "You both can take him, no thank you." You say, heading away. "Come on, please-," Anaera tried to convince you.

"Excuse me, dame. Uh, Anaera. Ce sera un honneur pour toi de m'accompagner au Yule bal, donc Anaera seras-tu ma date au Yule bal?" A young boy asked, with soft brown hair and killer forest green eyes.
"It will be an honor for you to accompany me to the Yule Ball, so Anaera will you be my date at the Yule Ball?"

"Yes!" Anaera yelped.

"Je veux dire, oui." Anaera said smoothly.
"I mean, yes."

"Well it's set." The boy sighed, with a cheerful smile, walking away with sheer content. "Did you see that Colin Pier asked me out to the Yule Ball!" Anaera felt dizzy, almost fainting while collapsing on Y/N's arms. "What about you, Y/N?" Fleur asked. "No, I don't think anyone has caught my eye." You told the pair. "Yet." Fleur and Anaera said in unison. "Stop it you two, I'm not even planning on go-," You turned around to look straight forward, meeting eye to eye with stormy grey eyes so bright even from afar. "Going." You turned back around away from that pair of mesmerizing eyes to your friends.

"Whatever you say, I think you need to think about it a little longer. And there's always Lucas." Anaera said. "Lucas Moreau has been waiting for a perfect moment to ask you." Fleur fluttered. "No, I just don't want to go." You sigh, running a hand through your hair. "Aish you ruined your hair." Fleur scolded, fixing your hair up. "Even some Durmstrang boys seem to be entranced by us." Anaera pointed out at the Durmstrang boys that are looking at the three of you.

"Again I'll pass." You stated not budging to go to the Ball. "I'll be going." You blurted, fixing your skirt. "Where?" Anaera asked. "I'm going to explore Hogwarts. Why not?" You shrugged. "But Headmistress Olympe-," Fleur interrupted. "Headmistress Olympe wouldn't mind. She loves me." You say, walking away from your two friends.

You walk through the corridors of Hogwarts, confused. Until, you stumble upon their Library; "Hello." You whisper to the lady at the front. She stared at you, up and down. "A Beauxbaton's student in Hogwart's Library?" She stifled a smile. "Greetings mademoiselle, I mean madam." You sheepishly bow, lifting your skirt in the middle a tad bit and bending straight down standing right back up. "I'm Y/N Vagsh." You introduce yourself. "Madam Pince. If you need any help, miss Vagsh, please ask." Madam Pince politely smiled. "Thank you." You whisper, walking towards the bookshelves. Your hand glides through the countless amount of books, coming upon a odd shelf, it said it was forbidden from entry, yet curiousity got the best of you. As you slowly crept forward to further on investigate, a voice interrupts you. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh mon dieu!" You jump.
"Oh my lord!"

You turned around with a hand on your chest, calming your breathing. "You frightened me, monsieur!" You look up at the boy, the exact same one with brilliant blue eyes. "You." You breathe.

"Je suis désolé." The boy apologizes.
"I'm sorry."

You were stunned, he spoke French.

"De toute façon que faites-vous ici?" The blue eyed boy interrogated.
"Anyway what are you doing here?"

"Pardon, I became curious." You told him. He chuckled softly, "Well, I'm Draco Malfoy." "Y/N. Y/N Vagsh." You reply. "Descendent of the Vagsh family. Impressive, quite a beautiful family." Draco said. "Quite." You respond, going back to finding some intriguing books. "And before you ask, Mister Malfoy, I'm not up for indecorous acts." You blurt.

Draco coughs, "Alright. I wasn't even here for that." "Hmm." You mumble. "I'm here to ask you to the Yule Ball." Draco said. You froze, "Why would I?"

"Because I can blackmail you." Draco said. You gasp, "With what evidence?!" You yell. "Hush." Draco silenced you. "That you entered the Restricted Section." Draco implied. "Pardon, but you've forgotten that you merely saved me from entering." You argue. "Touché." Draco sighed. "I just don't have anyone to go with and I've heard while I was coming to the Library that you needed a date." Draco's breath hitched.

"Why me?" You ask him. "Because you seem like someone that will be great friends with me." Draco smiled. "Sure." You roll your eyes. "OK. It's because you're gorgeous and I might as well put all my bravery to ask you." Draco truthfully told you. You thought about it more, he seemed like a brave, arrogant boy, yet you thought of Anaera and Fleur bugging you to come with them to the Yule Ball. "I accept." You huff.

Draco looked up and smiled, "Can't wait. Where can we meet up?" "Here. And I'll be waiting for you monsieur Malfoy." You whisper in his ear, you walk away looking back at him with a wink.


"Malfoy!" Anaera gasped. It was late and you all were in your night robes. The silk, pale grey fabric flowed gracefully. "Hush!" Fleur groaned. "Sorry." You sheepishly apologize. "Yes, Draco Malfoy to be exact." You whisper to Anaera. "Oh thank the heavens, you found someone." Anaera giggled. "I did it to go with you and Fleur. I know you two will continue to bug me." You smile. "Now tomorrow we're going out. Through the Keyport I brought we're going to see Madam Drina for a dress!" Anaera cheered as Fleur groaned.

"OK., lets go to sleep now, Anaera." You grinned, tucking yourself in bed and slowly drifting to sleep. "Goodnight." You told Anaera. "Night." Anaera yawned.


You opened your eyes, looking out to the rising sun. You stood up and got dressed, into a blue skirt and white shirt covered by Beauxbaton robes. Enchanting your hair to smell more fresh and flourished. Leaving it curled/wavy/straight to your liking. You walked out with confidence only seeing two or three Beauxbaton pupils and most being Hogwarts. You went into the Great Hall for breakfast. Expecting to be the only Beauxbaton student, except Lucas Moreau was there. He spotted you as your efforts to hide failed.

"Hello beauty or may I say future Mrs. Moreau." Lucas wooed. "No, you may not." You scoff, trying to get away from Lucas. "I'll get you either way. And you're coming with me to the Yule Ball." Lucas said, his French accent displaying strongly, so powerful the words out of his mouth are difficult to understand in English. It was hypnotizing, yet bothering. "No! I already have a date anyway." You retort. "You have no one. Odd since you're the beautifulest of all." Lucas gripped onto your wrist, tightly, it would give you a bruise in the shape of his hand. "No. Leave me alone and let me go." You stay strong, putting down your grounds. "You'll go to the Yule Ball with me and no one el-,"

Lucas couldn't finish his speech as Draco intervened and punched him. Lucas let you go and fell backwards rubbing where Draco hit him, you fell backwards and tumbled down. Draco helped you up, and asked if you were alright to which you said you were.

"Merci." You say.
"Thank you."

"Your welcome. Now let's go to Madam Pomfrey to see if you're alright." Draco said, wrapping his arm around your shoulders; guiding you through Hogwarts. You looked down at your purple bruised wrist, it stung but you payed no mind. Draco took you to Madam Pomfrey you got checked and she healed your bruise. You thanked her leaving the establishment. Draco took you back to your room with Anaera and Fleur gently asleep. "Thank you." You told him again. "Your welcome." Draco smiled, you smiled back thinking that their was more than just an arrogant boy that is of him.

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