| Awestruck |

6.7K 93 33

Genre: Romance & Fluff

Requested by: @bizzybella123

Request Prompt:
The reader is Tom's sister and she's never met Abraxas. On her fifth year and Abraxas' sixth, she comes into Tom's compartment and sees Abraxas. After, awhile of talking some things may occur.

Warning(s): short sibling arguments, friend's boo being a douche, cheesy pick up lines


  "Leave me alone, Tom! You are so bloody annoying!" You groaned pushing away your brother. "This is why I never sit by you on the train!" You shout. Tom still messed with your hair; while hugging you from the side. You growled, "I don't like you."

"Sure, Riddle." Tom said, pulling away letting you loose. "Wand." You put your hand out for him to place your wand in. He hands it to you, you straighten your green and silver tie, placing your wand into your pocket. "Goodbye, Tom." You sigh, getting on the train. "Goodbye, Y/N." Tom says, a hand later landing on his shoulder. "Get your hand off me, Avery." Tom shrugs Avery's hand off. "Sorry. I-I'm waiting for Abraxas." Avery told Tom. "I'll be inside in a compartment." Tom told Avery. "Alright." Avery said. Abraxas swiftly came into Avery's view, his long bleach white hair in the wind.

"Hurry, Abraxas. You always get here last." Avery complained. "Oh, calm down!" Abraxas sneered at his friend. "OK." Avery rolled his eyes.

Abraxas and Avery walked into the train and find Tom in a compartment near by with a charcoal black book in hand. Abraxas and Avery sat down without causing much noise trying not to disturb Tom Riddle. Abraxas sighed and pulled out his licorice wands that he had bought earlier. He chewed on it watching the window to the right of him. Seeing the scenery. Avery stayed in agonizing boredom staring at the compartment door.

"Y/N! Come on, you got to get him before he goes with that other  girl!" A girl in a blue and bronze tie dragged another girl, by her left wrist, along with her. Avery saw the girls in interest, the one pulling the other being a Ravenclaw and the one being pulled sporting a Slytherin tie.

Avery tapped Abraxas' shoulder. "Abraxas." Avery whispered. "I don't care about a girl's drama." Abraxas shrugged Avery and Y/N away.

"Una! I don't like him! You do, stop denying it." Y/N said, loosing the grip her friend had on her. "I'm sorry." Una apologized. "I don't like anyone, Una. I haven't found the right one-, anyway we are still quite young." Y/N rubbed her left wrist gently. "You are right." Una's head hung low. "Lets go." Y/N told Una. Y/N and Una both casually walked away.

  Abraxas could've had the chance to meet Y/N. However, why would a third year boy care about a second year girl. They never once looked each other in the eyes or ever thought about saying "hello" to each other.

Years pass. Three years to be exact. The same old Riddle siblings continue arguing at the beginning of their new school year.

  "Ugh. After all this time." Y/N groaned. "Always." Tom smirked. "Let me go. I see Avery heading towards us. I don't want to meet your friends, so if I may." You pull yourself away, heading inside the train. Tom sighs and sets a straight face. "Wait for Abraxas. I'm getting a compartment." Tom ordered Avery to do. Avery sighed and waited for Abraxas for what it seemed hours.

It had only been two minutes.

"Hey, I'm behind you, idiot." Abraxas smirked at the yawning Avery. "I'm gonna kill you one day, Abraxas!" Avery growled. Abraxas ran inside and went into the compartment Tom had chosen. Avery rushed in behind him trying to hex Malfoy. "You will see my wrath, Malfoy!" Avery said, about to cast a spell on Abraxas. "Stop it. The both of you." Tom demanded sternly. Abraxas smirked at the defeated Avery, Avery frowned and put his stuff away and sitting down right after.

The three boys along with two of Tom's followers sat in silence. Tom as usual stuck in a book that he is forbidden to read, yet he was unfazed by rules to his success. It was nice, peaceful, and quiet.

"Tom!" A feminine voice shouts.

Everyone, except Tom is startled. Tom looks up to find his sister, tears rolling down her cheeks. "What's wrong, Y/N?" Tom asked, worried about his younger sibling. "U-Una's b-boyfriend." her voice quivered. "What did he do, sis?" Tom asked Y/N. "He told me that I was hideous and said that he never knew why Una would hang out with me." Y/N silently cried. "Where is he?" Tom questioned. "What are you going to do, Tom?" Y/N's eyes stopped watering. "Please don't hurt them, Tom." Y/N stammered.

Tom shut his eyes, "I'm sorry." Tom replied. "Sit down. I won't hurt that-, them. I promise. Tom assured his sister. "Alright." Y/N said, sitting down by Abraxas. Tom went out of the compartment in search for Una's boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Abraxas admired the girl seated by him. Abraxas never knew Tom had a sibling let alone a sister, and oh didn't she look beautiful. "Hey, beautiful." Abraxas caught her attention. Y/N turned to face him, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "Don't listen to that, idiot. You are stunning. Are you a Snitch? Because you're by far the greatest catch here." Abraxas smoothly played by Y/N slightly giggled, while Avery smiled rolling his eyes.

Abraxas put his hand on one side of Y/N's face wiping the tears away with his thumb. "See, look at that gorgeous smile." Abraxas smiled at Y/N, who was blushing furiously. "You know, when I said "Accio hottie", I didn't expect it to work!" Abraxas told you. You smiled softly at his pick up lines. "You are certainly something else." Y/N sniffled softly, her chocolate/forest/ocean/charcoal E/C eyes staring into Abraxas' smoke grey eyes. "I'm Y/N Riddle." Y/N introduced herself, cutting the tension.

"Abraxas. Abraxas Malfoy." Abraxas responded with his name. "Thank you for making me feel better, Malfoy." Y/N softly chuckled. "Please, call me Abraxas, gorgeous." Abraxas leaned in slowly as well as Y/N. "Riddle is near." Avery disrupted them. Y/N quickly stood up, her face pink from embarrassment. Tom came back with a small scratch on his face. "That took a bit longer than I expected. You have a scratch on your face, Tom." Y/N told her brother. "It's fine. By the way, don't pass by their compartment." Tom stared at you intensely. "Alright." You complied.

You then turned back to Abraxas who looked up at you. You gave him a smile and leaned down to peck his cheek. His face turned a cherry hue, he stayed flabbergasted. You then turned around and left the compartment.

At that moment, Abraxas knew he had to have you all for himself.

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