| Draco's Diary |

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Genre: Romance

Draco Malfoy has a diary that no one knows about, he keeps writing of his day and his crush which happens to be the baddest Hufflepuff around.

Warning(s): mild bullying, makeout sessions


  Draco Malfoy as usual walked the halls with dignity. He held many secrets some which he's never talked about and some that he's shared with one or two of his good friends. There was one secret that he's never told anyone though; that Draco Malfoy has a diary. Yes, a diary. Malfoy carries it in his bag at ocasiones or leaves it in a secure locked small trunk that won't open with just alohamora. Today the diary was in his trunk.

Draco Malfoy was walking through the corridors with his Slytherin gang.

"Get lost, Gryffindor." Draco tormented. Pansy cackled like a witch making other younger years become frightened.

Then there was a group of Hufflepuffs. Not just any group it was the most well known and most notorious group of Hufflepuffs. A mix of boy and girls all the way from first year to sixth year. However, there was just one leader amongst them. A lollipop in her dominant hand her robe carried by one of the guys. Her shaved legs majestically moving in black two-inch heels. The skirt covering most of her upper legs and her button down white blouse buttoned all the way up. Her tie neatly showing the pride of her house colors, yellow and black.

Y/N L/N was her name she was a half-blood. The kindest, yet the most ruthless when needed. You walk up to them and take your lollipop away from your mouth.

"Leave them alone, Malfoy." Y/N told him picking up one of the Gryffindors pushed down on the ground by Malfoys gang. "And Parkinson laugh less because it horrifying and ear defining." You roll your eyes at her. "What are you going to do, L/N?" Pansy crossed her arms.

"Well, I have two options Parkinson. Either I have to beat you up by hand or perhaps kiss your boy toy." You smirk at Pansy, grabbing Draco's tie. Draco's breathe hitches as his lips were near yours. Your cherry scented breathe complimented your dark red matte lips. "So, what is it Parkinson?" You sneered. "Three. Two." One of your best friends began to count.

"Uhh." Pansy stayed gobsmacked.

"One." Your best friend finished the count.

You smashed your lips on Draco Malfoy's mouth. Swiping your tongue against his lips; he gasped and your tongue wrestled his. The cherry taste now on his tongue. You stayed there for a two minutes, Draco's friends cheered. While, Pansy was held back by your group. You pulled away to catch your breathe. "Oh, my lipstick got on you a bit." You said, winking at Malfoy. "Well our job here is over. Come on." You told your group. You were handed your robe and your group scattered to their classes. You entered your class which you shared with Draco Malfoy.

You stood at the door and turned to him. "Don't fall in love with me. I just had to prove to your little girlfriend something." You told him. "S-She's not my girlfriend." Draco stuttered. "Whatever you say, blonde." You three your lollipop away in a trash can and headed inside class.


Class ended and so came the end to Draco's admiration of Y/N from afar. She smiled at her best friend and laughed beautifully. Draco had liked Y/N since the beginning of second year to most recent times in his third year. As for you, you liked Draco since first year, he never really payed attention to you, but never bullied you. The only way you found to catch his attention is by creating a group of friends and getting well known with a lot of people from different houses.

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