| Cuddles, please! |

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Genre: Fluff

Request Prompt:
Draco is in a very affectionate mood and wants the reader's attention.

Warning(s): none


   "Y/N!" Draco whined. "Yes, babe." You say, your eyes still on the book in front of you. "Never mind." Draco sighed. You then became intrigued, "Never mind what? Tell me."

"No, don't worry. You're studying and I don't want to bother you. It's something useless." Draco pouted, his head against one hand as he traced figures into the table at the library. "Are you sure?" You put your hand over his, stopping Draco's tracing. "Yeah." Draco mumbled. His eyes closing, drooling slightly from the corner of his mouth. You smiled at him sweetly. "Draco." You whispered. You bit your bottom lip and put your hand foreword, ruffling his hair up.

"Draco." You say, he wakes up and gives you slightly annoyed eyes.

"Why did you wake me up?" Draco groaned. "To send you off to your room. You're quite tired." You say. "Come on, I'll go with you." You told Draco, he lit up in hope that you will maybe cuddle with him in bed.

"Come on." You smiled softly. You stood up put your bag over your shoulder and started walking to the Slytherin Common Room trailing putting his hand in yours. "What's up with you? You're cheery." You giggled. "I'm sorry, love." Draco mumbled. "It's not a problem, Draco." You kissed his cheek.

You told the portrait the password and entered. You walked with Draco to his dorm, you pulled Draco since he didn't have any energy. "I'm tired." Draco whined. "That's why we need to get your room, Draco." You told him. "Alright." Draco grumbled. You made it to his dorm and opened the door and dropped your bag. You then pushed Draco onto his bed and went on top of him. "I love you. Have a good rest." You kissed his lips and then went to get off him. Only to be pulled back in chest to chest.

"Draco!" You screamed.

"What?" He grumbled giving off a small smirk.

"I have to go, babe. I have to study." You whined, trying to get off his grip.

"I'll let you study me." Draco opened his eyes winking at you. You couldn't help but laugh, "you cheeky man." You say, before being let go. "Y/N?" Draco said. "Yes, babe." You responded.

"I want to cuddle." Draco groaned.

"Is that what you wanted in the library?" You replied, Draco nodded his head. You pouted, "I can't today. It's Thursday. What about this on Friday we can have us time. I'll bring chocolate and we can cuddle as long as you like." You announce. Draco nods his head happily and smiled while closing his eyes. You put a blanket over him and kiss his lips.

"Bye, Draco." You say, grabbing your bag.

"Bye, Y/N." Draco yawns.


It was the next day and Draco was excited to spend time with Y/N later on through the day. There was just one problem happening with Y/N. She became sick and couldn't go to Draco's dorm. Draco became devastated, but still went out to buy chocolate, soup, and roses for Y/N.

Draco was about to send one of Y/N's dorm mates the items to give to her, but before he could she came down the stairs with a box of tissues, red nose, and a blanket covering her shoulders. Draco ran up to her, "What are you doing?! You're sick, love." Draco said.

"I promised." You said, before grabbing a tissue and sneezing. Draco put his arm sound you and guided you to his dorm.

You both made it and went to his bed. You then to Draco's open arm to be filled with items. "Those are pretty roses." You mentioned. "They're for you. I was going to give it to one of your dorm mates before you came down." Draco sat you down on the bed and handed you the flowers you sneezed then smiled at him.

"Thank you." You told him.

"No problem, love." Draco stared into your eyes, before fixing the pillows up. "I love you, Draco Malfoy." You confessed. Draco looked at you with his mouth ajar to the seven months you two have been dating you were the first to say "I love you". "I do. I love you so much. I've never loved anyone so much except my family." You slightly chuckled.

"I love you too." Draco whispered, leaning in and kissing your lips. "Hey, you'll get sick." You argue. "I don't care. Unless I'm with you. I won't care about me being sick." Draco replied. You smiled and shed a tear. "Sorry, it's just, I love you so much." You say. He wiped your tear away and kissed your cheek. "I want to marry you." Draco confessed. "I would love to too. We're still young though. We both have dreams that we want to achieve. Only the future will tell." You tell Draco. "I want you to be the mother of my children. I want you to be mine, Y/N L/N." Draco told you.

"I want the same, Draco." You gleam.

"If were saying all this gushy stuff come on, cuddle with me." You begged him.

"OK." Draco said, finally getting his cuddle time. Going on the other side and laying down beside you hugging you. You turn to face him.

"You know I love you." Draco mentioned.

You laughed, "I think that was made clear."

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