| 'Twas the Night before the Heartbreak |

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Genre: Angst

A tale of heartbreak.

| Christmas Edition | 12/25/16 |

Warning(s): heartbreak


A girl, a boy, and a mistletoe.

The Christmas ball was an event to cherish. Red poinsettias, hot cocoa, laughter was all around.

The snow white colored hair boy happened to be staying at Hogwarts even though he despised it. He hated the bright, cheerful colors and enjoyed the dark, gloom colors that sprayed the Manor. The only thing he enjoyed was being with his girlfriend. Who was getting prepared for the flourishing event.

Y/N looked astonishing, daunting, and gorgeous. Her hair let down straight/curled, her lips plump, and bright cherry red, her paper white dress dazzling belted with green jewels.

A girl, a boy, and a party.

Y/N had always doubted her looks despite being the Hogwarts heartthrob for males. Y/N stared at you long mirror, letting out a sigh before putting on her desired perfume, the smell that Draco loved on her. Y/N had her early Christmas present in hand it was small, yet detailed and sweet. Y/N hesitated to head to the ball, to even walk down the halls, and to even dance at all. Despite her father's Gryffindor genes kicking in blending with her mother's Ravenclaw genes somehow creating you, a Slytherin.

Y/N felt an adrenaline of confidence and pride. So she went with it, she walked down the halls, and headed to the ball, to dance after all. It was just her and Draco, a dance, a kiss, a present, a ball, and that's all.

A girl, a boy, and a present.

You walked down looking stunning as ever. Boys mouths' watered staring at you, you took each step with precaution. Draco walked over to you, smiling. "You look gorgeous, as always." Draco compliments. "Thank you. You look handsome as ever." You compliment back. You walked over to a table, Draco pulling out the chair for you then adjusting you to your comfort. "Thank you." You say. "Your welcome. Ready?" Draco smirks. You roll your eyes, "To dance? Yes. Nothing else, Draco." You wink. You take his hand and go onto the dance floor. It was not as bad as you thought. You swayed back and forth, your head against his chest.

"Let's go sit down, I have your present." You gleam, Draco agrees. You both sat down as you handed Draco his present.

"Open it." You smiled, anxiously. Draco looks at you with an all knowing look. It was a ring with a rare gem encrusted with a snake figure in the gem. "Y/N, did you- really?" Draco smiles, he hugs you and picks you up spinning you through the air. "My turn." Draco says handing you your present. You tear it slowly to reveal a rectangular box that was covered by velvet. You open the box to reveal a necklace, it was a green diamond with the necklace chain being a silver snake. Draco put the necklace on you. "You like it?" Draco asks. "No, I love it. Thank you." You hug Draco tightly.

A girl, a boy, and a mistletoe.

Yet the girl wasn't you it was Astoria Greengrass. Under a mistletoe with your boyfriend. The necklace you held in your hand tugging it off. You walked up to the pair, "Here you go." You hand her your necklace. "Thanks for the time, Malfoy." You choke. "And don't even try." You finish, picking up your dress and run off into the Common Room. You let yourself go, a Christmas Eve ruined.

A girl, a boy, and a heartbreak.

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