| Cookies |

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  Genre: Fluff

Y/N is Albus' loving wife who has an appetite for cookies.

Warning(s): cuteness, dementors


  You gazed out the window, your stomach grieving with hunger. You stood up and went to the kitchen were your husband, Albus Potter, sat drinking a cup of tea. "Good morning." You chirped. "Good morning, love." Albus smiled.

"I'm almost heading to work." Albus said, "Scorpius called in sick, so I'll have to go fill him in." Albus said. "That's alright. Oh my I forgot to make you lunch!" You panicked. "Don't worry, I've already made food. Don't stress yourself, I've made you breakfast." Albus said pecking your forehead. "Thank you, Albus." You smiled. "I'll be back soon." Albus said, you smiled and fixed his tie.

"I love you." Albus whispered. "I adore you." You say, you both lean in to a kiss, that warmed your lips. "Bye." Albus said, appariating away. You sat down and began to eat your breakfast. Your mouth in pure bliss due to the amazing food Albus cooked, yet your hunger was not fulfilled. "Are there any cookies?" You told yourself.

You checked the cabinets and the pantry, you groaned, "But I want cookies!" You then found an alternative, "Chocolate frogs will do." You said, opening the package of chocolate frogs, you found your Father-in-laws card, this made you giggle. Your hunger subsided, as you began to become bored into doing things, you cleaned the house, fixed the bed, and made pie.

After the pie was made, you felt a sickening churning in your stomach, the pie looked disgusting in your point of view. "I'll give it to Albus." You said. Leaving the pie in the oven to give it warmth. You put on music and grabbed a book that was called, 'The Light Between Oceans', by the time you were half way through the book, Albus was nowhere around and it was six p.m.

You then had the urge to want cookies again, you got up and changed into pants and a shirt with shoes. You headed out of your house onto Diagon Alley, were they had your favorite cookies. When you entered Diagon Alley there were very few people, which made you happy. You went to a Bakery, being greeted by Flair, "The usual, Y/N?" Flair smiled. "Yes, please." You said, sitting down your tired legs. "Here we go, freshly made." Flair said, you handed her change. "Thank you Flair." You beamed, exiting the Bakery.

You felt a waft of air hit you, Diagon Alley felt chillier than ever. You began to shiver, clutching the box of cookies. A thin layer of ice covered windows as you heard screams, you grabbed your wand, pointing it outward.

A newspaper fell onto the ground in front of your feet, it read, 'WANTED: Trinton Wald', you became worried still clutching the cookies. There was a possible killer on the loose and you were holding onto your cookies frightened. You looked up and ran backwards from all the clutter, you thought of going into one of the shops, but they were all closed. "Great." You muttered.

You heard a low humming behind you, you didn't want to turn around but your curiosity killed you. You turned around and found not one, but four dementors. You still didn't drop your cookies, yet when you wanted to cast a spell, awful memories filled your mind. A dementor held you and were preparing to start sucking out your soul. "Expecto Patronum!" You heard a voice shout, you fell to the ground the cookies and wand still in your hands.

"Y/N!" You heard someone scream, "Albus." Was all you said and wanted. "It's me, Y/N." Albus clutched onto you, "I- I got cookies." You felt wheezy. Albus chuckled, you smiled. "I'm alright, Albus. It's just..." You paused. "Is it a bad time to tell you I'm pregnant?" You asked, "No it's not, love. I'm going to be a father." Albus cried softly. "All this for cookies?" Albus laughed, "I wanted cookies and so did the little one here." You pouted.

"I'm just glad you're both alright." Albus kissed you, he held onto you, his hand making way to your stomach as he started rubbing on it.

"Oh and I made you pie."

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