Y! | Side Effects | *

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Genre: Smut & Romance

It's after Hogwarts and Y/N, even with all of her success, is seeking someone. She used to be the Gryffindor nerd that not even Sirius Black wanted to flirt with. Now, she is the one of the most successful witches in the industry. Which makes it hard for her to feel if Sirius could actually develop feelings for her.

| a/n: i said i would've update and i did, smh. you're welcome, Sirius lovers. ik i'm a hypocrite for some things. |

Warning(s): smut, kissing, swearing, drinking


"It's an honor to have you here, Miss Blishwick." a man excuse for a man shook your hand. You softly smiled, "thank you for having me."

"Come into the V.I.P. section. Don't want to be here with the ordinaries." the same man told you. "I used to be an ordinary, Tallen." You scoffed at him. "I'm sorry for being rude ma'am, but please there's people I think you'd like to meet." Tallen gulped. "Fine, but I May just end up with the none V.I.P." You say.

"Ah, Blishwick!" a older man wooed. "Hello, Mr. Waterford. Nice to see you here. Is Serena Joy here as well?" You asked. "Yes, dear she's by the drinks with some friend of hers." Waterford took a gulp of whiskey. "Thank you." You excused yourself and went to Serena and a blonde girl like her.

"Serena!" You called out, she looked over and smiled. "Y/N! Come here, I have a seat for you." Serena Joy gleamed. You took a seat beside her and gave her a quick embrace. "How have you been?" Serena asked. "Amazing, the company is going well; some minor bumps. I'm glad how it's working out. I'm with a muggle as well who is talented which is great to have diversity. There is plenty of gifted muggles." You said. "That's amazing. I'm happy for you. Oh also this is my friend, Junely." Serena introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Junely. I'm Y/N." You shook her hand. "It's an honor to meet you, Y/N. Heard many great things about you." Junely ecstatically shook your hand. "Thank you." You said. "Are you thirsty, Y/N? Let me order your favorite." Serena called out the bartender and asked for your favorite. "Y/N, I'll pay for it, OK?" Serena offered. "No, I can." You took out your wallet. You and Serena argued until you heard a voice.

"I'll pay for her drink."

"Thank you, but you-," You looked to see who it was and it was a old classmate. "Sirius." Your mouth ajar is shook. "Y/N Blishwick, the young woman on her way to beating the Malfoy's wealth." Sirius sipped from a can of coke. "I guess you can say that." You flabbergasted.

"Put any other drinks she gets on my tab." Sirius told the bartender who payed attention to him. "You shouldn't have to." You laughed.

"I want to." Sirius rasped. "Fred's calling me over, I'll leave you with the hot shot." Serena whispered in your ear. "How dare you leave me." You pouted turning to her. "Good luck." She saluted. You sighed and turned back around. "So, I've heard about you, congratulations." Sirius muttered. "Thank you." You muttered back.

"Are you dating anyone?" Sirius blurted. "No." You laughed. "Really, I thought so." Sirius coughed. "I can't anymore and if I want to date someone they have to be at the same level as me. What else would some guy want me for?" You gulped down whatever you had left. "Makes sense." Sirius stammered.

"So, are you still with McKinnon?" You questioned. "No, we broke up for reasons." Sirius ordered another drink. "I thought you guys were cute." You mumbled. "I liked someone else when I was dating her. Idiot of me didn't go after her, because she was... Different." Sirius sighed. "Same here, but he was out of my league." You lightly laughed.

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