Y! | Better |

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Genre: Romance

Y/N loves competitions. Especially with Severus Snape, although being the complete opposites. Cupid finds a connection between the two.

Warning(s): mild bullying


"Yes!" You cheered, completing the potion beating Severus by a mere second. Severus rolled his eyes, "I'm still better at potions than you."

"Sure." You smirked. "Stop smirking, its irritating." Severus groaned. "I'm better at everything." You told him. "Lies." Severus said, "Whatever you believe." You put your arms up. "But I'm still better." You whisper in his ear, sending shivers down Severus' spine. Shivers that Lily Evans had never given him.

"Goodbye, Sevy." You bite your lip. Severus growled, making you laugh walking away from him. "Argh-, shove off." Severus said.

Cupid stared at the pair of you. You both definitely had similarities and minor differences. You both were almost opposites, you and Severus were exponential in potions, secluded at times, and have a friend you greatly adore.

Yet the difference were the most obvious, you were quite known; whilst Severus wasn't much, you weren't fond of Defense Against the Dark Arts and Severus is, you were a Gryffindor pureblood while Severus was a Slytherin half-blood, and a most well kept one, you were a the first ever Female Maurader. You were proud of it, you managed to find them on their mischief and followed them around. You yourself playing tricks on the four of them getting frightened at times. Until they caught on and became good friends with you and asked you to be a Maurader.

"Perfect." Cupid said, you were kept still talking with a friend in fits of giggles. He shot the arrow heading straight for your stomach, "Ouch." You blurted randomly during the conversation with your male, Hufflepuff friend. "You alright?" Your friend asked. "No." You winced, clutching your stomach. "Come on." The Hufflepuff said, grabbing your arm and wrapping it around his head pulling you up. "Ow!" You say, the pain growing stronger.

"I don't feel well." You murmur, looking ditzy your eyes fluttering closed. "Y/N!" The male shouted. That was the last thing you heard till your saw pink.


"Is she OK?" You heard still feeling a tingling pain on your stomach. You opened your eyes and found the Mauraders surrounding you. "At last, you're awake." Sirius grinned. "How are you?" Remus asked. "I'm eh." You answer. "What did I miss?" You question. "Nothing except for the usual friend zone for James." Remus sighed. "That's all? I thought she'd slap you at some point." You chuckle, while James glared at you. "Love you, James." You joke. "Hate you too." James slightly laughed.

"I just want to get out here." You groaned. "To mess with Snivelious?" Sirius smirked, giving a high-five to James. "Count me in." You slyly grin. "Let's just sneak you out." James inquired. "Brilliant." You said, the boys got you off, as you climbed onto Sirius' back. Rushing off in laughter and scolding of Madam Pomfrey. "This was stupid." Remus said. "It was my idea, Moony." Sirius playfully scoffed.

"Now to find Snivelious." James rubbed his hands together. "He's usually outside by a stupid tree with a book." Sirius says. You all headed outside, finding Severs oddly quickly. "Ah look who we have here." James said. "Good ol' Snivelious." James continued. "Leave me alone." Severus mumbled. "No. Sirius do the honors." James told Sirius, who castes a hex on Severus. You stare at the situation with a blank mind, only words written in delicate sentences. "Help him! Stop it!", was all it said.

"Stop." You whisper. "What's that M/N?" Sirius asked. "Stop." You say louder. Sirius and James looked at you with disbelief written on their faces. Remus looking up from his book with curiosity. "Stop!" You ordered Sirius. Sirius stopped, you glanced at Severus picking him up from the ground. "M/N, you OK?" James asked. "Leave." You firmly stated. Remus walked off complying to your order, James and Sirius following along with mouths ajar.

"I guess I'm better at saving too." You look down at the grass. "But you're not better in everything." Severus told you, you beamed up. He grabbed your face and kissed you, a harsh breeze flying past with a dark red aurora mixing in. You pulled back, "You're right. I'm not better at kissing." You smiled, making a genuine smile appear on Severus' face for the first time you've ever seen.

Cupid's PoV

"Favorite pair by far." Cupid smiled, with the greatest triumph.

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